

GGDR - Generator-Guided Regularization for Discriminator (Official PyTorch Implementation)

Generator Knows What Discriminator Should Learn in Unconditional GANs (ECCV 2022)
Gayoung Lee<sup>1</sup>, Hyunsu Kim<sup>1</sup>, Junho Kim<sup>1</sup>, Seonghyeon Kim<sup>2</sup>, Jung-Woo Ha<sup>1</sup>, Yunjey Choi<sup>1</sup>

<sup>1</sup>NAVER AI Lab, <sup>2</sup>NAVER CLOVA

<div align="center"> <img src="figures/model.png" width="70%" height="70%"> </div>

Abstract Recent conditional image generation methods benefit from dense supervision such as segmentation label maps to achieve high-fidelity. However, it is rarely explored to employ dense supervision for unconditional image generation. Here we explore the efficacy of dense supervision in unconditional generation and find generator feature maps can be an alternative of cost-expensive semantic label maps. From our empirical evidences, we propose a new generator-guided discriminator regularization (GGDR) in which the generator feature maps supervise the discriminator to have rich semantic representations in unconditional generation. In specific, we employ an encoder-decoder architecture for discriminator, which is trained to reconstruct the generator feature maps given fake images as inputs. Extensive experiments on mulitple datasets show that our GGDR consistently improves the performance of baseline methods in terms of quantitative and qualitative aspects. Code will be publicly available for the research community.


We attach GGDR to StyleGAN2-ADA-pytorch, so heavily brought their codes.


Usage of this repository is almost same with StyleGAN2-ADA-pytorch except GGDR option. See their repository for more detailed instructions.

Training StyleGAN2-ADA with GGDR

> python train.py --outdir=training-runs  --reg_type=ggdr --ggdr_res=64 --gpus=8 --cfg=paper256 --data=./datasets/ffhq256.zip

Belows are some additional arguments can be customized.

Inference with trained model

> python generate.py --outdir=out --seeds=100-200 --network=PATH_TO_MODEL


Selective samples in the paper

<div align="left"> <img src="figures/sample.png" width="70%" height="70%"> </div>

Discriminator feature map visualization

<div align="left"> <img src="figures/d_vis.png" width="70%" height="70%"> </div>


Licensed under NVIDIA Source Code License for StyleGAN2 with Adaptive Discriminator Augmentation (ADA).


  title={Generator Knows What Discriminator Should Learn in Unconditional GANs},
  author={Lee, Gayoung and Kim, Hyunsu and Kim, Junho and Kim, Seonghyeon and Ha, Jung-Woo and Choi, Yunjey},