FSMR — Official TensorFlow Implementation [Paper]
: Feature Statistics Mixing Regularization for Generative Adversarial Networks (CVPR 2022)
<div align="center"> <img src="./assets/teaser2.png"> </div>Authors: Junho Kim<sup>1</sup>, Yunjey Choi<sup>1</sup>, Youngjung Uh<sup>2†</sup>
<sup>1</sup> <sub>NAVER AI Lab</sub> <sup>2</sup> <sub>Yonsei University</sub> <sup>†</sup> <sub> Corresponding author </sub>
Abstract In generative adversarial networks, improving discriminators is one of the key components for generation performance. As image classifiers are biased toward texture and debiasing improves accuracy, we investigate 1) if the discriminators are biased, and 2) if debiasing the discriminators will improve generation performance. Indeed, we find empirical evidence that the discriminators are sensitive to the style (e.g., texture and color) of images. As a remedy, we propose feature statistics mixing regularization (FSMR) that encourages the discriminator's prediction to be invariant to the styles of input images. Specifically, we generate a mixed feature of an original and a reference image in the discriminator's feature space and we apply regularization so that the prediction for the mixed feature is consistent with the prediction for the original image. We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate that our regularization leads to reduced sensitivity to style and consistently improves the performance of various GAN architectures on nine datasets. In addition, adding FSMR to recently-proposed augmentation-based GAN methods further improves image quality.
# N: batch size, H: height, W: width, C: channels
def FSM(x, y, alpha, eps=1e-5):
x_mu, x_var = tf.nn.moments(x, axes=[1,2], keepdims=True) # Nx1x1xC
y_mu, y_var = tf.nn.moments(y, axes=[1,2], keepdims=True) # Nx1x1xC
# normalize
x_norm = (x - x_mu) / tf.sqrt(x_var + eps)
# de-normalize
x_fsm = x_norm * tf.sqrt(y_var + eps) + y_mu
# combine
x_mix = alpha * x + (1 - alpha) * x_fsm
return x_mix # NxHxWxC
def discriminator(img, use_fsmr=False):
# layers: conv, bn, actv, ..., fc -> discriminator layers
x = img # NxHxWxC
indices = tf.range(tf.shape(x)[0])
shuffle_indices = tf.random.shuffle(indices)
alpha = tf.random.uniform(shape=[], minval=0.0, maxval=1.0)
for layer in layers:
x = layer(x)
if use_fsmr and == 'conv':
y = tf.gather(x, shuffle_indices)
x = FSM(x, y, alpha)
return x # Nx1
def FSMR(real_img, fake_img, use_fsmr=True):
real_logit = discriminator(real_img) # Nx1
fake_logit = discriminator(fake_img) # Nx1
if use_fsmr:
real_logit_mix = discriminator(real_img, use_fsmr) # Nx1
fake_logit_mix = discriminator(fake_img, use_fsmr) # Nx1
fsmr_loss = l2_loss(real_logit, real_logit_mix)
fsmr_loss += l2_loss(fake_logit, fake_logit_mix) # optional
fsmr_loss *= 1 # weight for fsmr
fsmr_loss = 0
return fsmr_loss
total_loss = adv_loss + fsmr_loss
StyleGAN2 w/ FSMR
> python --mix=1 --mix_weight=0.05 --aug=noaug --mirror=1
--outdir=training-runs --gpus=8 --res=256 --cfg=paper256 --data=./datasets/ffhq
> python --mix=1 --mix_weight=0.05
--outdir=training-runs --gpus=8 --res=256 --cfg=paper256 --data=./datasets/ffhq
DiffAug w/ FSMR
> python --mix=1 --mix_weight=0.05 --diffaug=1
--outdir=training-runs --gpus=8 --res=256 --cfg=paper256 --data=./datasets/ffhq
Quantitative results
<div align="center"> <img src="./assets/quantitative.png"> </div>Qualitative results
<div align="center"> <img src="./assets/quality.png"> </div>Citation
title={Feature Statistics Mixing Regularization for Generative Adversarial Networks},
author={Kim, Junho and Choi, Yunjey and Uh, Youngjung},
This code is mainly built upon StyleGAN2-ada and use DiffAug.
Licensed under NVIDIA Source Code License for StyleGAN2 with Adaptive Discriminator Augmentation (ADA) as same as StyleGAN2-ada