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NAudio is an open source .NET audio library written by Mark Heath

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Getting Started

The easiest way to install NAudio into your project is to install the latest NAudio NuGet package. Prerelease versions of NAudio are also often made available on NuGet.

NAudio comes with several demo applications which are the quickest way to see how to use the various features of NAudio. You can explore the source code here.



Working with Codecs

Working with audio files

Manipulating audio

Generating audio





Additional sources of documentation for NAudio are:

NAudio Training Courses

If you want to get up to speed as quickly as possible with NAudio programming, I recommend you watch these two Pluralsight courses. You will need to be a subscriber to access the content, but there is 10 hours of training material on NAudio, and it also will give you access to their vast training library on other programming topics.

To be successful developing applications that process digital audio, there are some key concepts that you need to understand. To help developers quickly get up to speed with what they need to know before trying to use NAudio, I have created the Digital Audio Fundamentals course, which covers sample rates, bit depths, file formats, codecs, decibels, clipping, aliasing, synthesis, visualisations, effects and much more. In particular, the fourth module on signal chains is vital background information if you are to be effective with NAudio.

Audio Programming with NAudio is a follow-on course which contains seven hours of training material covering all the major features of NAudio. It is highly recommended that you take this course if you intend to create an application with NAudio.

How do I...?

The best way to learn how to use NAudio is to download the source code and look at the two demo applications - NAudioDemo and NAudioWpfDemo. These demonstrate several of the key capabilities of the NAudio framework. They also have the advantage of being kept up to date, whilst some of the tutorials you will find on the internet refer to old versions of NAudio.


What is NAudio?

NAudio is an open source audio API for .NET written in C# by Mark Heath, with contributions from many other developers. It is intended to provide a comprehensive set of useful utility classes from which you can construct your own audio application.

Why NAudio?

NAudio was created because the Framework Class Library that shipped with .NET 1.0 had no support for playing audio. The System.Media namespace introduced in .NET 2.0 provided a small amount of support, and the MediaElement in WPF and Silverlight took that a bit further. The vision behind NAudio is to provide a comprehensive set of audio related classes allowing easy development of utilities that play or record audio, or manipulate audio files in some way.

Can I Use NAudio in my Project?

NAudio is licensed under the MIT license which means that you can use it in whatever project you like including commercial projects. Of course we would love it if you share any bug-fixes or enhancements you made to the original NAudio project files.

Is .NET Performance Good Enough for Audio?

While .NET cannot compete with unmanaged languages for very low latency audio work, it still performs better than many people would expect. On a fairly modest PC, you can quite easily mix multiple WAV files together, including pass them through various effects and codecs, play back glitch free with a latency of around 50ms.

How can I get help?

There are three main ways to get help. First, you can raise an issue here on GitHub. This is the best option when you've written some code and want to ask why it's not working as you expect. I attempt to answer all questions, but since this is a spare time project, occasionally I get behind.

You can also ask on StackOverflow and tag your question with naudio, if your question is a "how do I..." sort of question. This gives you a better chance of getting a quick answer. Please try to search first to see if your question has already been answered elsewhere.

Finally, I am occasionally able to offer paid support for situations where you need quick advice, bugfixes or new features. Please contact Mark Heath directly if you wish to pursue this option.

How do I submit a patch?

I welcome contributions to NAudio and have accepted many patches, but if you want your code to be included, please familiarise yourself with the following guidelines: