

Deep Convolutional Dictionary Learning for Image Denoising

Hongyi Zheng*, Hongwei Yong*, Lei Zhang, "Deep Convolutional Dictionary Learning for Image Denoising," in CVPR 2021. (* Equal contribution)

[paper] [supp]

The implementation of DCDicL is based on the awesome Image Restoration Toolbox [KAIR].



Step 1

Step 2

Configure options/test_denoising.json. Important settings:

Step 3

python test_dcdicl.py


If you want to achieve the best performance:

Step 1

Prepare training/testing data. The folder structure should be similar to:

+-- data
|   +-- train
|       +-- training_dataset_1
|       +-- training_dataset_2
|   +-- test
|       +-- testing_dataset_1
|       +-- testing_dataset_2

Step 2

Configure options/train_denoising.json. Important settings:

If you want to reload a pretrained model, pay attention to following settings:

Step 3

python train_dcdicl.py


This is the limitation of the backend linear algebra GPU accelerated libraries of PyTorch. The only way to get rid of it is to reduce the number of channels or spatial size of the dictionaries.


    author    = {Zheng, Hongyi and Yong, Hongwei and Zhang, Lei},
    title     = {Deep Convolutional Dictionary Learning for Image Denoising},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {630-641}