

Obtvse 2

A clean and simple markdown blogging platform on Rails.

Demo | Demo Admin

Username: username@example.com

Password: password

Whats New

Obtvse 2 was rewritten entirely with a focus on being more user friendly, quicker, modern, and customizable.


New Admin

Backend features


Obtvse 2 is compatable with obtvse's original database structure and migrations. Migration is as easy as cloning this repo, pointing to your old database and running migrations.


Obtvse needs post history saving so you can mark versions of a post. This would also allow for editing live posts without them updating live.


If you are new to Rails development, check out guides for getting your development environment set up for Mac and Windows.

cd ~/Sites
git clone git://github.com/natew/obtvse2.git
cd obtvse2
bundle install
rake db:migrate

Edit config/info.yml to fill in your personal and site information.

Start the local server:

bundle exec rails s

Go to, to administrate you go to /admin

Installing on Heroku? You may need to run the following after you've updated to the latest Rails 4 version.

heroku config:set PATH=bin:vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin