

The Schwift Programming Language

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Schwift is an imperative programming language based on the fantastic show, Rick and Morty. It supports all of the classic language features required to elegantly build fantastic programs.


Schwift is a dynamically typed language:

>>> x squanch 10
>>> show me what you got x

>>> x squanch "Hello"
>>> show me what you got x


Schwift supports dynamically typed lists as a first-class type:

>>> x on a cob
>>> x assimilate 10
>>> x assimilate "hello"
>>> show me what you got x
[Int(10), Str("hello")]

Memory management

Schwift has manual memory management through the flexable squanch keyword:

>>> x squanch 10
>>> squanch 10
>>> show me what you got x
error: x is undefined

Calling Rust Functions

If you want your schwift programs to be blazingly fast ™, you really have to extend them with Rust functions. Your Rust code should look like this:


extern crate schwift;

use schwift::value::Value;
use schwift::error::{SwResult, ErrorKind};
use schwift::plugin_fn;

plugin_fn!(multiply_internal, multiply);

fn multiply_internal(args: &mut Vec<Value>) -> SwResult<Value> {
    if let Value::Int(x) = args[0] {
        if let Value::Int(y) = args[1] {
            return Ok(Value::new(x * y));

    Err(ErrorKind::UnexpectedType {
        expected: Type::List,
        actual: args[0].get_type(),


name = "got_schwifty"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Nate Mara <nathan.mara@kroger.com>"]

schwift = "*"

name = "gotshwifty"
crate-type = ["dylib"]

And your schwift should look like this:


microverse "./path/to/libgotschwifty.so" :<

x squanch multiply(10, 20)

show me what you got x

This program should print 200.