


Extensible checked exceptions using polymorphic variants

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The Expression Exception Problem

Given some function for making HTTP requests which propagates an HttpError for failures cases:

  ∷ ∀ m
  . MonadHttp m
  ⇒ String
  → ExceptT HttpError m String

And another for writing files which propagates an FsError for failures cases:

  ∷ ∀ m
  . MonadFs m
  ⇒ Path
  → String
  → ExceptT FsError m Unit

What happens when we combine them?

  ∷ ∀ m
  . MonadHttp m
  ⇒ MonadFs m
  ⇒ ExceptT _ m Unit
getPureScript =
  get "http://purescript.org" >>= write "~/purescript.html"
Could not match type


with type


Before we can get anywhere, we must unify the error types.

  ∷ ∀ m
  . MonadHttp m
  ⇒ MonadFs m
  ⇒ ExceptT (Either HttpError FsError) m Unit
getPureScript = do
  resp <- withExceptT Left (get "http://purescript.org")
  rethrow Right (write "~/purescript.html" resp)

This gets very tedious, very quickly, because every new exception type we introduce breaks code we've already written.

Polymorphic Variants to the Rescue

Variant lets us define structural sum types. Row types in a Record point to fields, while row types in a Variant point to tags. That means we only have to care about the cases we want to use, and they work together regardless of which module defined them.

We'll start with a little bit of sugar (this helps the types go down easy):

type RowApply (f :: # Type -> # Type) (a :: # Type) = f a

infixr 0 type RowApply as +

We'll define our HttpError variants with rows instead of the usual data declaration:

type HttpServerError r = (httpServerError ∷ String | r)
type HttpNotFound    r = (httpNotFound ∷ Unit | r)
type HttpOther       r = (httpOther ∷ { status ∷ Int, body ∷ String } | r)

And add constructors which lift them into Variant:

httpServerError ∷ ∀ r. String → Variant (HttpServerError + r)
httpServerError = inj (SProxy ∷ SProxy "httpServerError")

httpNotFound ∷ ∀ r. Variant (HttpNotFound + r)
httpNotFound = inj (SProxy ∷ SProxy "httpNotFound") unit

httpOther ∷ ∀ r. Int → String → Variant (HttpOther + r)
httpOther status body = inj (SProxy ∷ SProxy "httpOther") { status, body }

We can then define a helpful alias for all of our HTTP exceptions:

type HttpError r =
  ( HttpServerError
  + HttpNotFound
  + HttpOther
  + r

Now in another module we might do the same for FS exceptions:

type FsPermissionDenied r = (fsPermissionDenied ∷ Unit | r)
type FsFileNotFound r     = (fsFileNotFound ∷ Path | r)

fsPermissionDenied ∷ ∀ r. Variant (FsPermissionDenied + r)
fsPermissionDenied = inj (SProxy ∷ SProxy "fsPermissionDenied") unit

fsFileNotFound ∷ ∀ r. Path → Variant (FsFileNotFound + r)
fsFileNotFound = inj (SProxy ∷ SProxy "fsFileNotFound")

type FsError r =
  ( FsPermissionDenied
  + FsFileNotFound
  + r

Let's go back to our original example, but instead of ExceptT we will substitute ExceptV:

type ExceptV exc = ExceptT (Variant exc)
  ∷ ∀ r m
  . MonadHttp m
  ⇒ String
  → ExceptV (HttpError + r) m String

  ∷ ∀ r m
  . MonadFs m
  ⇒ Path
  → String
  → ExceptV (FsError + r) m Unit

When we go to combine them, it just works:

  ∷ ∀ r m
  . MonadHttp m
  ⇒ MonadFs m
  ⇒ ExceptV (HttpError + FsError + r) m Unit
getPureScript =
  get "http://purescript.org" >>= write "~/purescript.html"

Additionally, these types are completely inferrable:

Wildcard type definition has the inferred type

  ( httpServerError :: String
  , httpNotFound :: Unit
  , httpOther :: { status :: Int
                 , body :: String
  , fsFileNotFound :: String
  , fsPermissionDenied :: Unit
  | t0

Handling Errors

This library exports the handleError function. Given a record of exception handlers, it will catch and route the corresponding exceptions, eliminating them from the type.

getPureScript # handleError
  { httpServerError: \error -> log $ "Server error:" <> error
  , httpNotFound: \_ -> log "Not found"
Wildcard type definition has the inferred type

  ( fsFileNotFound :: String
  , fsPermissionDenied :: Unit
  , httpOther :: { status :: Int
                 , body :: String
  | t0

This lets us prove that all exceptions have been handled, which means we can safely remove the ExceptV wrapper using the safe combinator.

  :: forall m
   . MonadHttp m
  => MonadFs m
  => MonadLog m
  -> m Unit
getPureScriptSafe =
  safe $ getPureScript # handleError
    { httpServerError: ...
    , httpNotFound: ...
    , httpOther: ...
    , fsFileNotFound: ...
    , fsPermissionDenied ...