


See what's happening on GitHub in real time (also helpful if you need to use up your API quota as quickly as possible).

ghtop provides a number of views of all current public activity from all users across the entire GitHub platform. (Note that GitHub delays all events by five minutes.)

<img width="650" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1483922/105071141-0c3ea580-5a39-11eb-8808-34952c0bf26d.gif" style="max-width: 650px">


Either pip install ghtop or conda install -c fastai ghtop.

How to use

Run ghtop -h to view the help:

$ ghtop -h
usage: ghtop [-h] [--include_bots] [--types TYPES] [--pause PAUSE] [--filt {users,repo,org}] [--filtval FILTVAL] {tail,quad,users,simple}

positional arguments:
  {tail,quad,users,simple}  Operation mode to run

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                show this help message and exit
  --include_bots            Include bots (there's a lot of them!) (default: False)
  --types TYPES             Comma-separated types of event to include (e.g PushEvent) (default: )
  --pause PAUSE             Number of seconds to pause between requests to the GitHub api (default: 0.4)
  --filt {users,repo,org}   Filtering method
  --filtval FILTVAL         Value to filter by (for `repo` use format `owner/repo`)

There are 4 views you can choose: ghtop simple, ghtop tail, ghtop quad, or ghtop users. Each are shown and described below. All views have the following options:

Important note: while running, ghtop will make about 5 API calls per second. GitHub has a quota of 5000 calls per hour. When there are 1000 calls left, ghtop will show a warning on every call.

ghtop simple

A simple dump to your console of all events as they happen.

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1483922/105074536-56298a80-5a3d-11eb-8e8c-32ba33e09405.png" width="650" style="max-width: 650px">

ghtop tail

Like simple, but only includes releases, issues and PRs (open, close, and comment events). A summary of the frequency of different kind of events along with sparklines are shown at the top of the screen.

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1483922/105074448-398d5280-5a3d-11eb-9603-3def521d87e5.png" width="650" style="max-width: 650px">

ghtop quad

The same information as tail, but in a split window showing separately PRs, issues, pushes, and releases.

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1483922/105074862-cb955b00-5a3d-11eb-99c5-3125bb98910b.png" width="650" style="max-width: 650px">

ghtop users

A summary of activity for the most active current users.

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1483922/105075363-8887b780-5a3e-11eb-9f7a-627268ac465f.png" width="650" style="max-width: 650px">

Shared under the MIT license with ♥ by @nat