


NonGNU ELPA MELPA Made with Spacemacs Gitter License: GPL v3


Spacemacs theme is an Emacs color theme that started as a theme for spacemacs. The theme comes with dark and light variants and it should work well with 256 color terminals.




The theme has good support for org mode.



You can install it from NonGNU ELPA or MELPA by:

M-x package-install RET spacemacs-theme

Supported modes

Some of the supported modes are:


The theme has some options that can be tweaked via M-x customize:

This toggles a background color for the comment lines.

This toggles italics for comments and will also add a lighter color to it. It is recommended to disable spacemacs-theme-comment-bg if you turn this option on for better contrast.

This toggles italics for keywords.

This toggles the use of varying org agenda heights.

This toggles bold text for org headings.

This toggles the use of varying org headings heights.

This toggles highlighting of org headings.

This toggles bold text for priority items in agenda view.

This allows for specifying a list of custom colors to override spacemacs theme colors. More details in the next section.

This toggles the underline of matching parens when using show-paren-mode or similar.

Override theme's colors

The theme can be customized by overriding one of the theme local variables by setting a list in the spacemacs-theme-custom-colors variable. Here's a list of all the local variables and roles:

act1One of mode-line's active colors.
act2The other active color of mode-line.
baseThe basic color of normal text.
base-dimA dimmer version of the normal text color.
bg1The background color.
bg2A darker background color. Used to highlight current line.
bg3Yet another darker shade of the background color.
bg4The darkest background color.
borderA border line color. Used in mode-line borders.
cblkA code block color. Used in org's code blocks.
cblk-bgThe background color of a code block.
cblk-lnA code block header line.
cblk-ln-bgThe background of a code block header line.
cursorThe cursor/point color.
constA constant.
commentA comment.
comment-bgThe background color of a comment. To disable this, customize spacemacs-theme-comment-bg.
compA complementary color.
head1Level 1 of a heading. Used in org's headings.
head1-bgThe background of level 2 headings. To disable this, customize spacemacs-theme-org-highlight.
head2Level 2 headings.
head2-bgLevel 2 headings background.
head3Level 3 headings.
head3-bgLevel 3 headings background.
head4Level 4 headings.
head4-bgLevel 4 headings background.
highlightA highlighted area.
highlight-dimA dimmer highlighted area.
keywordA keyword or a builtin color.
lnumLine numbers.
matA matched color. Used in matching parens, brackets and tags.
metaA meta line. Used in org's meta line.
strA string.
sucTo indicate success. Opposite of error.
ttipTooltip color.
ttip-slTooltip selection color.
ttip-bgTooltip background color.
typeA type color.
varA variable color.
warA warning color.

There is also explicit colors variables that can be customized:

The green and red colors have two background versions. The green-bg and red-bg are normal light background colors. The green-bg-s, red-bg-s, and blue-bg-s are stronger versions.

Here are some screenshots of the various variables:




If you are using spacemacs, you can put this snippet in your dotspacemacs/user-init to override these colors:

  (custom-set-variables '(spacemacs-theme-custom-colors
                          '((act1 . "#ff0000")
                            (act2 . "#0000ff")
                            (base . "#ffffff"))))

This will override act1, act1 and base to use the specified colors.

Use a custom flycheck fringe bitmap

If you don't use spacemacs and want to get the same look of flycheck fringe bitmap, you can put the following snippet into your init.el (this assumes you are using use-package):

(use-package flycheck
    (define-fringe-bitmap 'my-flycheck-fringe-indicator
      (vector #b00000000

    (flycheck-define-error-level 'error
      :severity 2
      :overlay-category 'flycheck-error-overlay
      :fringe-bitmap 'my-flycheck-fringe-indicator
      :fringe-face 'flycheck-fringe-error)

    (flycheck-define-error-level 'warning
      :severity 1
      :overlay-category 'flycheck-warning-overlay
      :fringe-bitmap 'my-flycheck-fringe-indicator
      :fringe-face 'flycheck-fringe-warning)

    (flycheck-define-error-level 'info
      :severity 0
      :overlay-category 'flycheck-info-overlay
      :fringe-bitmap 'my-flycheck-fringe-indicator
      :fringe-face 'flycheck-fringe-info)))

Like the theme and want to use it in other places?

Then check out this project base16-builder.