

Nano JSX Template

A Nano JSX Template for building Isomorphic JSX Apps.


# download
npx degit nanojsx/template nano

# directory
cd nano

# install
npm i

# development (on http://localhost:3000/)
npm start

# production
npm run build

# serve (on http://localhost:3000/)
npm run serve


├── public            # all your static files
├── src
│    ├── client       # bundles for hydration
│    ├── components   # your custom components
│    ├── layouts      # your app's layouts
│    ├── pages        # your pages
│    └── server       # all server-side code

Every file in /client will be bundles separately.


All the things below will hopefully be implemented soon.

LazyLoading ChunkLoadError on localhost

On localhost you may experience the following error when LazyLoading while switching routes:

Uncaught (in promise) ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk

This is related to the disabled browser option:

Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost.

Fix for Google Chrome

In the Chrome address bar, type chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost and enable the option.

Fix for Firefox

No supported option to disable for localhost only.