

Learning to Compose Visual Relations

This is the pytorch codebase for the NeurIPS 2021 Spotlight paper Learning to Compose Visual Relations.


To generate your own relational CLEVR data, see https://github.com/nanlliu/clevr-dataset-gen.

The shell script is provided: https://github.com/nanlliu/clevr-dataset-gen/blob/master/script.sh


Image Generation Demo

Please use the following command to generate images on the CLEVR dataset. Please use --num_rels to control the input relational descriptions.

python demo.py --checkpoint_folder ./checkpoint --model_name clevr --output_folder ./ --dataset clevr \
--resume_iter best --batch_size 25 --num_steps 80 --num_rels 1 --data_folder ./data --mode generation
GIFFinal Generated Image

Image Editing Demo

Please use the following command to edit images on the CLEVR dataset. Please use --num_rels to control the input relational descriptions.

python demo.py --checkpoint_folder ./checkpoint --model_name clevr --output_folder ./ --dataset clevr \
--resume_iter best --batch_size 25 --num_steps 80 --num_rels 1 --data_folder ./data --mode editing
Input ImageGIFFinal Edited Image


Data Preparation

Please utilize the following data link to download the CLEVR data utilized in our experiments. Then place all data files under ./data folder. Downloads for additional datasets and precomputed feature files will be posted soon. Feel free to raise an issue if there is a particular dataset you would like to download.

Model Training

To train your own model, please run following command. Please use --dataset to train your model on different datasets, e.g. --dataset clevr.

python -u train.py --cond --dataset=${dataset} --exp=${dataset} --batch_size=10 --step_lr=300 \
--num_steps=60 --kl --gpus=1 --nodes=1 --filter_dim=128 --im_size=128 --self_attn \
--multiscale --norm --spec_norm --slurm --lr=1e-4 --cuda --replay_batch \
--numpy_data_path ./data/clevr_training_data.npz


To evaluate our model, you can use your own trained models or download the pre-trained models model_best.pth from ${dataset}_model folder from link and put it under the project folder ./checkpoints/${dataset}. Only clevr_model is currently available. More pretrained-models will be posted soon.

Evaluate Image Generation Results Using the Pretrained Classifiers

Please use the following command to generate images on the test set first. Please use --dataset and --num_rels to control the dataset and the number of input relational descriptions. Note that 1 <= num_rels <= 3.

python inference.py --checkpoint_folder ./checkpoints --model_name ${dataset} \
--output_folder ./${dataset}_gen_images --dataset ${dataset} --resume_iter best \
--batch_size 32 --num_steps 80 --num_rels ${num_rels} --data_folder ./data --mode generation

In order to evaluate the binary classification scores of the generated images, you can train one binary classifier or download a pretrained one from link under the binary_classifier folder.

To train your own binary classifier, please use following command:

python train_classifier.py --train --spec_norm --norm \
--dataset ${dataset} --lr 3e-4 --checkpoint_dir ./binary_classifier

Please use following command to evaluate on generated images conditioned on selected number of relations. Please use --num_rels to specify the number of relations.

python classification_scores.py --dataset ${dataset} --checkpoint_dir ./binary_classifier/ \
--data_folder ./data --generated_img_folder ./${dataset}_gen_images/num_rels_${num_rels} \
--mode generation --num_rels ${num_rels}

Evaluate Image Editing Results Using the Pretrained Classifiers

Please use the following command to edit images on the test set first. Please use --dataset and --num_rels to select the dataset and the number of input relational descriptions.

python inference.py --checkpoint_folder ./checkpoints --model_name ${dataset} \
--output_folder ./${dataset}_edit_images --dataset ${dataset} --resume_iter best \
--batch_size 32 --num_steps 80 --num_rels 1 --data_folder ./data --mode editing

To evaluate classification scores of image editing results, please change the --mode to editing.

python classification_scores.py --dataset ${dataset} --checkpoint_dir ./binary_classifier/ \
--data_folder ./data --generated_img_folder ./${dataset}_edit_images/num_rels_${num_rels} \
--mode editing --num_rels ${num_rels}

Evaluate image-text retrieval

python retrieval.py --image_path $IMG_PATH --checkpoint_path $MODEL_PATH


The code for training EBMs is from https://github.com/yilundu/improved_contrastive_divergence.


Please consider citing our papers if you use this code in your research:

  title={Learning to Compose Visual Relations},
  author={Liu, Nan and Li, Shuang and Du, Yilun and Tenenbaum, Josh and Torralba, Antonio},
  journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},