

Groundtruth of spliced images in dataset CASIA 2.0

Tp_D_CRN_M_N_pla00035_pla00033_10997.jpg Tp_D_CRN_M_N_pla00035_pla00033_10997_gt.png

Tp_D_CRN_S_N_nat00033_cha00086_11502.jpg Tp_D_CRN_S_N_nat00033_cha00086_11502_gt.png

I removed the download link of the original dataset to avoid the confusion. If you need it, feel free to email me.

Please notice that the authors made many mistakes in naming the files. People who download the original dataset (before 2021/04/20) please rename the tampered images using the commands in the excel files. Originally, it was reported that there are 5123 tampered images, including 3274 copy-move images and 1849 spliced images. However, mistakenly classified files are renamed as follows.

No. of imagesOriginally named asRe-classified as
39Copy-move images (TP_S_)Spliced images (S->D)
60Spliced images (TP_D_)Copy-move images (D->S)
    After renaming the files, the number of copy-move and spliced images are 3295 and 1828, respectively.

Due to the lack of manual file, I write up here the naming convention:

Authentic images:

Au_ani_00001.jpg Au: Authentic ani: animal category Other categories: arc (architecture), art, cha (characters), ind (indoor), nat (nature), pla (plants), txt (texture)

Tampering images

a. Spliced image


b. Copy-move images


If you use the groundtruth dataset for a scientific publication, please cite the following papers: