

<img src="Assets/header.png">

Nina's Playground ⛳️

Submission for Apple WWDC'20 Swift Student Challenge!

✨🧑🏻‍💻 Accepted! 🧑🏻‍💻✨


Swift Playgrounds Book to demonstrate the modern RSA encryption mechanism using an intuitive game and a prototype safe environment for kids using basics of Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing to detect spam, negative sentiments and protect them from mature content online.

Introduction 📝


Technologies used to build this playground book: <br> UIKit CoreML SpriteKit CoreAnimation <br> NLP Models | Stanford - Sentiments | DT-Campinas - SpamFilter |


Installation 📦

To build the project make sure you have atleast Xcode 11.4.1 installed. You can install the .playgroundbook file on Swift Playground 3.3 on Mac or iPad.

<br> <img src="Assets/ss2.png"> <img src="Assets/ss1.png"> <img src="Assets/ss3.png">

License 🔏