

Interactive code examples

for documentation, education and fun šŸŽ‰

Embed interactive code snippets directly into your product documentation, online course or blog post.

ā”‚ def greet(name):              ā”‚
ā”‚   print(f"Hello, {name}!")    ā”‚
ā”‚                               ā”‚
ā”‚ greet("World")                ā”‚
  Run ā–ŗ  Edit  āœ“ Done
ā”‚ Hello, World!                 ā”‚


For an introduction to Codapi, see this post: Interactive code examples for fun and profit.


Install with npm:

npm install @antonz/codapi

Or use a CDN:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@antonz/codapi@0.19.10/dist/snippet.js"></script>

Optional styles:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@antonz/codapi@0.19.10/dist/snippet.css" />


See the guide that best fits your use case:

You'll also need a working Codapi server, either cloud-based at codapi.org or self-hosted. Unless you are using an in-browser playground (see below).

Advanced features

Codapi offers a number of features that go beyond simple code playgrounds:

In-browser playgrounds

Most playgrounds (like Go or MongoDB) run code on the Codapi server.

But there are some playgrounds that work completely in the browser, no Codapi server required:


The widget is unstyled by default. Use snippet.css for some basic styling or add your own instead.

Here is the widget structure:

<codapi-snippet sandbox="python" editor="basic">
        <a href="#edit">Edit</a>
        <codapi-status> āœ“ Done </codapi-status>
        <pre><code>Hello, World!</code></pre>

codapi-snippet is the top-level element. It contains the the toolbar (codapi-toolbar) and the code execution output (codapi-output). The toolbar contains a Run button, one or more action buttons (a) and a status bar (codapi-status).


Codapi is mostly a one-man project, not backed by a VC fund or anything.

If you find Codapi useful, please star it on GitHub and spread the word among your peers. It really helps to move the project forward.

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