


An educational project aiming to maintain Twitter for macOS working while adding new features... All this by injecting code into the official binary.

<h3 align="center"> <img width="650px" src="/README/screenshot.png"/> </h3>


Tutorial by Clipp3r.


Twitter for macOS provides the best native and free experience, although it lacks some features available on the web version.


As of 16th of March 2018 you need to provide a valid consumer key and consumer secret in order to make the application work. Using custom keys implies uncertain consequences, use TwitterX at your own risk.

For this project to work you need to have Twitter for macOS in your computer. Twitter removed the application from the macOS AppStore but if you ever installed the application it will still be available under the purchases section of the AppStore.

TwitterX is a framework that once it is loaded modifies the application behaviour at runtime. This project provides LauncherX, an application that eases the task of loading TwitterX.

Download LauncherX

If you want to run the unmodified version of Twitter simply open the Twitter application instead of LauncherX.

This project does not and will never modify the Twitter binary. Upsetting Twitter is not among the goals of this project therefore modifying or distributing code copyrighted by Twitter will never be an option.


The application is still fully functional although it is hard to tell for how long will this continue.


Carlos Vidal


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file.