<p align="center"> <img width="512px" src="" /> </p> <h1 align="center">Awesome Naive UI</h1> <p align="center">A curated list of awesome things related to Naive UI</p> <p align="center">English | <a href="">中文</a></p>Contributing
Please see
<!-- md-parser-start -->Tutorial
- naive-ui-provider - NaiveUI uses provider project example.
Admin Projects Using NaiveUI
- Admin Work -A free open source, powerful, easy to use, beautiful back-office management system solution.
- Naive UI Admin - A free open source out-of-box UI solution for enterprise applications.
- zce/fearless - A dashboard scaffolding based on Vue.js 3.x & TypeScript created by Vite.
- zmtlwzy-admin - A free open source, original style admin template.
- tsx-naive-admin - A backend management template based on Vue 3 + Naive UI + TSX + Vite.
- Soybean Admin - a beautiful vue admin template, based on Vue3 + Vite + Naive UI + TypeScript.
- Pear-Admin-Naive - A free open source admin template, base on Typescript + Vue3(script setup) + Vite + Naive UI + umi-request(Fetch).
- Vue Naive Admin - A lightweight vue admin template, base on Vue 3 + Vite + Pinia + Naive UI,free and elegant.
- happyboot-tiger - A backend management template, base on Vue 3 + Vite 2 + Naive UI.
- Walnut Admin - A free open source fullstack admin template project based on Typescript. Vue3 + Vite + Naive UI + Nestjs + mongodb.
- Dolphin Admin - A light-weight and elegant back-end management template based on Vue 3 + Vite + Naive UI + TypeScript + TailwindCSS.
- BetterNCM Elaina Theme - A NetEase Cloud Music theme plugin, built on BetterNCM platform, utilizing Naive UI for the frontend UI.
- Bag-admin - 🎉vue-bag-admin,Using Vite4, Vue3, TypeScript, JavaScript construction, support a variety of writing and call, a complete framework system, responsive background management system
- Pinx Admin Template
- Admin template built with Vue/Nuxt + TypeScript, developer friendly and designed with Naive UI and Tailwind CSS. - YummyAdmin - 📈 Vue 3 admin panel template based on Vue3 + NaiveUI + Tailwind + Pinia + MSW + TS.
Other Projects Using NaiveUI
- issue-helper - NaiveUI issue submit template project.
- innic - A database GUI based on NaiveUI.
- Aisen60/vant-theme - Online theme preview tool built on vant UI
- Opentapes - A convergent/adaptive app for streaming Hip-Hop mixtapes. Made with Vue.js & Tauri.
- Sweetforms - A feature rich schema-based form generator package build with Naive UI + Typescript.
- naive-ui-form-creator - A visual form generator with rich functions based on naive UI.
- Apache DolphinScheduler - A distributed and easy-to-extend visual workflow scheduler system.
- SymPy Beta - An answer engine without backend, powered by SymPy and Pyodide.
- free-core - A drag and drop cross end page design core, base on Vue 3 + Vite + Naive UI.
- vitesse-modular-naiveui - A modular template based on Vitesse with many features.
- vue3-cloud-music - Music streaming. Vue3 + Vite + TypeScript + Naive UI
- OpenDataV - A cool drag and drop, low code data visualization framework Vue3 + Vite + TypeScript + Naive UI
- My RIME - Online Chinese IME powered by RIME.
- QRCode Generator - A QRCode generator site based on Naive UI + TypeScript.
- k8sPlayground - A k8s manage tools,using Naive UI + TypeScript + NestJS + electorn.
- DocKit - NoSQL database GUI desktop client based on NaiveUI and tauri, support elasticsearch, OpenSearch, etc.
Third-party components for NaiveUI
- Naive Gradient Picker - A lightweight NaiveUI component for selecting gradients based on CSS gradient syntax
- X.Naive-UI - An extension to the Naive-UI component library, that enables slots and template style API for DataTable/Dropdown/Menu/Select/Tree.
- naive-ui-components - Practical components wrapped based on naive-ui, including forms, tables, uploads, etc.
Related To NaiveUI
- xicons - SVG icon integrated component Library.
- evtd - Event delegation with native events and extended events in a small library.
- vueuc - Utils Components for Vue.
- treemate - All in one solution for tree structure in component developling.
- vooks - Utils Composable for Vue.
- vdirs - Helper directives for Vue.
- naive-ui-snippets - Code Snippets of Naive UI for VS Code.
- vite-plugin-naive-ui-md - Markdown for Vite with Naive UI Styles.