

Throttler v0.1</br>

The target of this extension is to add more options to burpsuite Intruder.</br>


This software is free to distribute, modify and use with the condition that credit is provided to the author (EagleE6789E@CrowdShield) and is not for commercial use

<ul><li>Constant throttling(pause): Intruder for specific time for each group of attacks(requests). The number of attacks of each group can be changed too. For instance:</br> </li></ul>

       attack 1 </br>        attack 2 </br>        attack 3 </br>

       stop for 60 seconds </br>

       then continue </br>

       attack 4 </br>        attack 5 </br>        attack 6 </br>

       stop for 60 seconds </br>

       then continue </br>

       attack 7 </br>        attack 8 </br>        attack 9 </br>

    notice that there are no increasing in time or requests numbers. </br>     More features Will be added later.</br>