

Prototype-Sample Relation Distillation: Towards Replay-Free Continual Learning

You can find the pre-release code for PRD under methods/repe.py.

To reproduce the results in Figure 2 of the paper, you can run the following command:


python main.py --method=repe --dataset=cifar100 --data_root="path/to/data" --model=resnet18 --nf=64 --use_augs=1 --projection_size=128 --projection_hidden_size=512 --task_incremental=1 --keep_training_data=0 --multilinear_eval=0 --singlelinear_eval=1 --n_tasks=20 --n_epochs=100 --n_warmup_epochs=120 --batch_size=128 --lr=0.01 --supcon_temperature=0.1 --distill_coef=4.0 --prototypes_coef=2.0 --prototypes_lr=0.01 --distill_temp=1


python main.py --method=repe --dataset=miniimagenet --data_root="path/to/data" --model=resnet18 --nf=64 --use_augs=1 --projection_size=128 --projection_hidden_size=512 --task_incremental=1 --keep_training_data=0 --multilinear_eval=0 --singlelinear_eval=1 --n_tasks=20 --n_epochs=100 --n_warmup_epochs=120 --batch_size=128 --lr=0.01 --supcon_temperature=0.1 --distill_coef=4.0 --prototypes_coef=2.0 --prototypes_lr=0.01 --distill_temp=1

Probing Forgetting in Supervised and Unsupervised Continual Learning

This repository holds the experimental code for Probing Representation Forgetting in Supervised and Unsupervised Continual Learning.

(key) Requirements

Running Experiments

python main.py --dataset <dataset> --method <method> --mem_size <mem_size> --eval_layer <model_stage> --keep_training_data <1 for probe eval> --model <model>  --n_tasks <num_tasks> --nf <model_width>

Example: Linear probe and CKA evaluation on finetuning(CE)

python main.py --dataset cifar100 --method er --mem_size 0 --eval_layer 4 --keep_training_data 1 --model resnet18  --n_tasks 10 --nf 32 --multilinear_eval 1 --cka_eval 1

Example: Linear probe evaluation on finetuning(SupCon)

python main.py --dataset cifar100 --method simclr --mem_size 0 --eval_layer 4 --keep_training_data 1 --model resnet18  --n_tasks 10 --nf 32 --multilinear_eval 1

Example: Observed accuracy on finetuning(CE)

python main.py --dataset cifar100 --method er --mem_size 0 --eval_layer 4 --keep_training_data 0 --model resnet18  --n_tasks 10 --nf 32 --singlelinear_eval 1

Reproducing Results

SupCon training + LP evaluation

python main.py --batch_size=128  --buffer_batch_size=128 --dataset=cifar100 --download=1 --eval_lr=0.1 --eval_n_epochs=20 --task_incremental=1 --keep_training_data=1 --lr=0.05 --mem_size=0 --method=simclr --model=resnet18 --nf=32 --multilinear_eval=1 --n_epochs=100 --n_tasks=10 --save_snapshot=1 --singlelinear_eval=0 --data_root=data --snapshot_path=snapshots/  --use_augs=1