

vdbfusion_mapping on Docker

This is just using Kin's ROS wrapper of vdbfusion. Nothing less, nothing more.

I used my own ros_in_docker template to achieve this.


make init   # patch build system
make docker # creates the underlying docker container with all dependencies
make build  # build the whole thing
make dev    # enter hacker mode(developer mode)

After this, just follow whatever instructions to launch you can find in the original repository of vdbfusion_mapping on Docker

NOTE: Make sure to load your data into the contianer by export ROS_BAGS=<path>

In my particular case I can run the pipeline by just doing the following

export ROS_BAGS=/home/ivizzo/data/voxblox/
make run
# inside the container
roslaunch vdbfusion_ros vdbfusion_mapping_cow.launch bag_file:=$(realpath bags/data.bag)