


Listing subdomains about a main domain using the technique called Hacking with search engines.


You can download the latest version of N4xD0rk by cloning the GitHub repository:

<pre> git clone https://github.com/n4xh4ck5/N4xD0rk.git</pre>

Install the dependencies via pip:

<pre> pip install -r requirements.txt </pre>

To install properly phantomJS follow the next steps:

<pre> Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Kali) apt-get update && apt-get install phantomjs Linux (other distributions) Get the latest phantomjs program. The current version was 2.1.1 at the time of writing this tutorial. http://phantomjs.org/download.html https://bitbucket.org/ariya/phantomjs/downloads Download it on your system (choose 32 or 64bits) and untar it wherever you want, let's say /opt $ cd /opt $ wget https://bitbucket.org/ariya/phantomjs/downloads/phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2 $ tar xvf phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2 Make a symlink to the phantomjs binary in your /usr/local/bin directory $ ln -s /opt/phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin/phantomjs Execute the binary with the -v option to check that everything works $ phantomjs -v 2.1.1</pre>


<pre>usage: n4xd0rk.py [-h] -t TARGET -n NUMBER [-e EXPORT] [-l LANGUAGE] [-c CAPTURE] This script searchs the subdomains about a domain using the results indexed of Google and Bing search. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -t TARGET, --target TARGET The domain or IP which wants to search. -n NUMBER, --number NUMBER Indicate the number of the search which you want to do. -e EXPORT, --export EXPORT Export the results to a json file (Y/N) Format available: 1.json 2.xlsx -l LANGUAGE, --language LANGUAGE Indicate the language of the search (es)-Spanish(default) -c CAPTURE, --capture CAPTURE Indicate if you want to take a screenshot of each web (y/n) </pre>


<pre> python n4xd0rk.py -t apple.com -n 1 _ _ _ _ _____ ___ _ | \ | | || | | __ \ / _ \ | | | \| | || |___ _| | | | | | |_ __| | __ | . ` |__ _\ \/ / | | | | | | '__| |/ / | |\ | | | > <| |__| | |_| | | | < |_| \_| |_| /_/\_\_____/ \___/|_| |_|\_\ ** Tool to search the subdomains about a domain using the results indexed of Google and Bing search ** Author: Ignacio Brihuega Rodriguez a.k.a N4xh4ck5 ** DISCLAMER This tool was developed for educational goals. ** The author is not responsible for using to others goals. ** A high power, carries a high responsibility! ** Version 2.1 This script obtains the IP associated a domain Example of usage: python n4xd0rk.py -t apple.com -n 5 Looking domains and subdomains of target apple.com Domains and subdomains of apple.com are: - www.apple.com [23.XXX.XX.83] - communities.apple.com [23.XXX.XXX.242] - selfsolve.apple.com [88.XXX.XXX.168] - checkcoverage.apple.com [88.XXX.XXX.168] - support.apple.com [104.XXX.XXX.98] - itunes.apple.com [23.XXX.XXX.95] - araes.apple.com [17.XXX.XXX.53] </pre>


Ignacio Brihuega Rodríguez aka n4xh4ck5

Twitter: @n4xh4ck5

Web: fwhibbit.es


The use of this tool is your responsability. I hereby disclaim any responsibility for actions taken with this tool.