

Go Report Card GoDoc


Gemini File Server, short gmifs, is intended to be minimal and serve static files. It is used to accompany a hugo blog served via httpd and makes it available via the gemini protocol. Why built yet another gemini server? Because it's educational and that's the spirit of the protocol.




Currently only supported through the go toolchain, either check out the repot and build it or use:

go install github.com/n0x1m/gmifs


Test it locally by serving e.g. a ./public directory on localhost with directory listing turned on

./gmifs -root ./public -autoindex

If no key pair with the flags -cert and -key is provided, like in this example, gmifs will auto provision a self-signed certificate for the hostname localhost with 1 day validity.


In the real world generate a self-signed server certificate with OpenSSL or use a Let's Encrypt key pair. Generate example:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.rsa -out cert.pem \
     -days 3650 -nodes -subj "/CN=nox.im"

start gmifs with a Let's Encrypt key pair on OpenBSD:

gmifs -addr -root /var/www/htdocs/nox.im/gemini \
    -host nox.im -max-conns 256 -timeout 5 -cache 256 \
    -logs /var/www/logs/gemini \
    -cert /etc/ssl/nox.im.fullchain.pem \
    -key /etc/ssl/private/nox.im.key

if need be, send SIGHUP to reload the certificate without cold start, e.g. after certificate renewal

pgrep gmifs | awk '{print "kill -1 " $1}' | sh

If debug logs are enabled, the certificate rotation will be confirmed.

Supported flags

sage of ./gmifs:
  -addr string
        address to listen on, e.g. (default ":1965")
  -autocertvalidity int
        valid days when using a gmifs provisioned certificate (default 1)
        enables auto indexing, directory listings
  -cache int
        simple fifo document cache for n items. Disabled when zero.
  -cert string
        TLS chain of one or more certificates
        enable verbose logging of the gemini server
  -host string
        hostname for sni and x509 CN when using temporary self-signed certs (default "localhost")
  -key string
        TLS private key
  -logs string
        enables file based logging and specifies the directory
  -max-conns int
        maximum number of concurrently open connections (default 128)
  -root string
        server root directory to serve from (default "public")
  -timeout int
        connection timeout in seconds (default 5)