

DiabloBlazor <img src="https://devblogs.microsoft.com/aspnet/wp-content/uploads/sites/16/2019/04/BrandBlazor_nohalo_1000x.png" width="50" height="50" />

Based on the excellent DiabloWeb which, in turn, is based on the likewise excellent Devilution.

As the name implies, DiabloBlazor swaps out React used in DiabloWeb for Blazor, making it a double WebAssembly app: a WebAssembly (C#) OS installable, offline capable PWA hosting a WebAssembly (C++) game. It also leverages TypeScript.

You can try it out on GitHub Pages. It is intended to be played like the original so touch controls aren't (currently) supported.

DiabloBlazorServer is the development server. Clone or fork it also (unless you want to use another server instead) and set it as the startup project.

The game's source code is here.

IDE: latest Visual Studio Community 2022 Preview.

The wasm-tools SDK workload is required, install it from an elevated command prompt:

dotnet workload install wasm-tools

If you want to try out WebAssembly AOT compilation, publish the app:

dotnet publish -c Release