


Sample Android application that serves as a monitoring service by leveraging on device sensors. Among sensors exploited we report:

The source code is released open source to be used as a reference (possibly wrong) for your own code. The aim is to help fill in the gap between Javadoc documentation and real code samples.


The application can be built using Android Studio. Building has been tested with Android Studio 1.1.


Main view


Application's main view allows the user to set which sensors to use and the corresponding level of sensitivity. A security code must be provided, needed to disable monitoring. A phone number can be set, if any of the sensors is triggered a message is sent to the specified number. Once monitoring is started a paged view gains focus with one fragment for each sensor. Each of these fragments gives a graphical representation of the corresponding sensor state.

Accelerometer Fragment


The accelerometer page shows an OpenGL animation providing a graphic representation of phone's orientation. Fragment class is defined in me.ziccard.securit.fragment.AccelerometerFragment.

Camera Fragment


The camera page containes three sub-views:

GUI classes are defined in me.ziccard.securit.fragment.CameraFragment and me.ziccard.securit.Preview. Motion detection is performed via an asynchronous task defined in me.ziccard.secureit.async that leverages on classes in me.ziccard.secureit.motiondetection.

Microphone Fragment


The microphone page provides a two-bar histogram of sound levels being captured by the mic and is defined in class MicrophoneFragment Mic data is captured via an asynchronous task (me.ziccard.secureit.async.MicSamplerTask) and the class me.ziccard.secureit.codec.AudioCodec.


When one of the sensors is triggered (reaches the sensibility threshold) a notifications is sent through the following channels (if enabled).

Notifications are sent through a service running in background that is defined in class me.ziccard.secureit.serviceUploadService.