MySQL Connector/C++
This is a release of MySQL Connector/C++, the C++ interface for communicating with MySQL servers.
For detailed information please visit the official MySQL Connector/C++ documentation.
Please refer to files README and LICENSE, available in this repository, and Legal Notices in documentation for further details.
Download & Install
MySQL Connector/C++ can be installed from pre-compiled packages that can be downloaded from the MySQL downloads page. The process of installing of Connector/C++ from a binary distribution is described in MySQL online manuals
Building from sources
MySQL Connector/C++ can be installed from the source. Please check MySQL online manuals
GitHub Repository
This repository contains the MySQL Connector/C++ source code as per latest released version. You should expect to see the same contents here and within the latest released Connector/C++ package.
Sample Code
#include <iostream>
#include <mysqlx/xdevapi.h>
using ::std::cout;
using ::std::endl;
using namespace ::mysqlx;
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
try {
const char *url = (argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "mysqlx://root@");
cout << "Creating session on " << url
<< " ..." << endl;
Session sess(url);
cout <<"Session accepted, creating collection..." <<endl;
Schema sch= sess.getSchema("test");
Collection coll= sch.createCollection("c1", true);
cout <<"Inserting documents..." <<endl;
DbDoc doc(R"({ "name": "foo", "age": 1 })");
Result add =
.add(R"({ "name": "bar", "age": 2, "toys": [ "car", "ball" ] })")
.add(R"({ "name": "bar", "age": 2, "toys": [ "car", "ball" ] })")
"name": "baz",
"age": 3,
"date": { "day": 20, "month": "Apr" }
.add(R"({ "_id": "myuuid-1", "name": "foo", "age": 7 })")
std::list<string> ids = add.getGeneratedIds();
for (string id : ids)
cout <<"- added doc with id: " << id <<endl;
cout <<"Fetching documents..." <<endl;
DocResult docs = coll.find("age > 1 and name like 'ba%'").execute();
int i = 0;
for (DbDoc doc : docs)
cout <<"doc#" <<i++ <<": " <<doc <<endl;
for (Field fld : doc)
cout << " field `" << fld << "`: " <<doc[fld] << endl;
string name = doc["name"];
cout << " name: " << name << endl;
if (doc.hasField("date") && Value::DOCUMENT == doc.fieldType("date"))
cout << "- date field" << endl;
DbDoc date = doc["date"];
for (Field fld : date)
cout << " date `" << fld << "`: " << date[fld] << endl;
string month = doc["date"]["month"];
int day = date["day"];
cout << " month: " << month << endl;
cout << " day: " << day << endl;
if (doc.hasField("toys") && Value::ARRAY == doc.fieldType("toys"))
cout << "- toys:" << endl;
for (auto toy : doc["toys"])
cout << " " << toy << endl;
cout << endl;
cout <<"Done!" <<endl;
catch (const mysqlx::Error &err)
cout <<"ERROR: " <<err <<endl;
return 1;
catch (std::exception &ex)
cout <<"STD EXCEPTION: " <<ex.what() <<endl;
return 1;
catch (const char *ex)
cout <<"EXCEPTION: " <<ex <<endl;
return 1;