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JetBrains' support

Home automation system L.I.S.A. http://mylisabox.com


How to use it

The easiest way to test L.I.S.A. is to use the pre configured image for Raspberry PI 2 or 3. Take a look here


To run the project you need to do multiple things:

1) Retrieve the project

#Mandatory dependencies
apt-get install -y mongodb-server libzmq3-dev 
#Matrix board dependencies
apt-get install -y matrix-creator-openocd matrix-creator-init matrix-creator-malos lirc
#Voice recognition dependencies
apt-get install -y sox libsox-fmt-all alsa-utils libatlas-base-dev libatlas3gf-base

2) Initialize plugins

For now no UI or way to install plugins, you have to do it manually, for that clone or copy plugins project you want under /plugins, if plugins need dependencies don't `forget to yarn/npm them.

After that you need to enable plugins on database in order to them to be loaded, you have an example on config/bootstrap.js on how to do this (at the bottom, the commented part).

3) Setup voice recognition

Voice recognition work in 2 phases thanks to the sonus module:

4) Run the project

5) Enable SSL

To enable SSL just put a file server.key and server.crt under config/ssl/, if you want other file name just edit config/web.js to specify the correct values.


There multiple template available for notifications. Here there are :


We love contributions! Please see our Contribution Guide for more information.

