

<img src="https://github.com/commercialhaskell/intero/raw/master/images/intero.svg" height=25> intero Build Status <a href="https://melpa.org/#/intero"><img alt="MELPA" src="https://melpa.org/packages/intero-badge.svg"/></a>

Complete interactive development program for Haskell

Intero for Emacs

Please see the homepage for Intero for Emacs.

Default key bindings

Key bindingDescription
M-.Jump to definition
C-c C-iShow information of identifier at point
C-c C-tShow the type of thing at point, or the selection
C-u C-c C-tInsert a type signature for the thing at point
C-c C-lLoad this module in the REPL
C-c C-rApply suggestions from GHC
C-c C-kClear REPL
C-c C-zSwitch to and from the REPL

Whitelisting/blacklisting projects

Typically Intero will enable for all projects, and for files without a stack.yaml, it will assume the "global" project. Some users prefer to enable Intero selectively. See below how to do that.

Find this line in your Emacs configuration and remove it:

(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'intero-mode)

To whitelist specific directories (and ignore everything else), use:

(setq intero-whitelist '("/work/directories/" "/my/directories/"))
(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'intero-mode-whitelist)

To blacklist specific directories (and allow everything else), use:

(setq intero-blacklist '("/path/to/bad/project" "/path/to/ignore/me"))
(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'intero-mode-blacklist)

Intero for IDE writers

Please see the TOOLING.md file for how to use Intero to integrate your own editor..


Issues are split into low/medium/high priorities which dictates which ones will be implemented first.