

Download Manager ANE V3.9.2 (Android+iOS)

whether you're building an Air game or an app, there are many situations where you need to download big data files into your app. using the classic APIs in AS3 won't help you because they are not resumable supported and they use only one channel to download the files. The best efficient solution to this problem is to use a fully automatic download manager native extension which lets you download big files as fast as possible by downloading the files in chunks. on top of that, you need the downloads to be resumable so you can be sure that your download won't fail on any condition. Just download our cool download manager extension for Android and focus on your app/game logic without worrying about how you should handle your data files.


find the latest asdoc for this ANE here.

Demo .apk

you may like to see the ANE in action? Download demo .apk

NOTICE: the demo ANE works only after you hit the "OK" button in the dialog which opens. in your tests make sure that you are NOT calling other ANE methods prior to hitting the "OK" button. Download the ANE

Air Usage

For both Android and iOS

import com.myflashlab.air.extensions.dm.DM;
import com.myflashlab.air.extensions.dm.DMEvent;

var _ex:DM = new DM();
_ex.addEventListener(DMEvent.ERROR, onError);
_ex.addEventListener(DMEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);
_ex.addEventListener(DMEvent.COMPLETE, onComplete);

function onError(e:DMEvent):void

function onComplete(e:DMEvent):void
    trace("download completed");

function onProgress(e:DMEvent):void

_ex.startDownload("http://myflashlabs.com/showcase/Bully_Scholarship_Edition_Trailer.mp4", "dm", "Bully_Scholarship_Edition_Trailer.mp4");

Air .xml manifest

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

<activity android:name="com.doitflash.downloadManager.MyActivity" />

  <!-- And implement the ANE like this -->

Air Usage

For Android only, you can also use the built in Android Download manager if you wish (this is not supported on iOS though) The good thing about this approach on Android is that you can close your app as soon as the download begins.

import com.myflashlab.air.extensions.dm.DM;
import com.myflashlab.air.extensions.dm.DMEvent;

var _ex:DM = new DM();

// add a listener to know when the download is finished. if you are closing the app while the download is in progress, obvoiusly you won't receive this event but the download task will continue.
_ex.addEventListener(DMEvent.NATIVE_LIB_DOWNLOAD_JOB_FINISHED, onAndroidDownloadManagerJobFinished);

var id:int = _ex.nativeAndroidDM_start("http://myflashlabs.com/showcase/Bully_Scholarship_Edition_Trailer.mp4", "/dm", "", "DM ANE!", "Download Manager Air Native Extension", true);

// you can check if there are any download jobs are in progress or not.
var arr:Array = _ex.nativeAndroidDM_getOnGoingJobs(); // this array has download tasks as objects indexed which you can loop through and get more information about each ongoing download task

// you can cancel a download by its URL

function onAndroidDownloadManagerJobFinished(e:DMEvent):void
	for (var name:String in e.param) 
		trace(name + " = " + e.param[name])

Air .xml manifest

If you are using the Android built in download library only as described above, you will need to set the following manifest receiver.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

<receiver android:name="com.doitflash.downloadManager.android.Receiver" android:enabled="true" >
		<action android:name="android.intent.action.DOWNLOAD_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED" />
		<action android:name="android.intent.action.DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE" />

  <!-- And implement the ANE like this -->


Commercial Version


Download Manager ANE


How to embed ANEs into FlashBuilder, FlashCC and FlashDevelop


Jan 20, 2016 - V3.9.2

Dec 20, 2015 - V3.9.1

Nov 02, 2015 - V3.9

May 17, 2015 - V3.0

Jan 27, 2015 - V2.1

Nov 05, 2014 - V2.0

Sep 23, 2014 - V1.1

May 06, 2014 - V1.0