

Badge ANE for iOS Adobe AIR apps

With Badge ANE you can read and write badge values for your iOS apps.

IMPORTANT: Implementing ANEs in your AIR projects means you may be required to add some dependencies or copy some frameworks or editing your app's manifest file. Our ANE setup instruction is designed in a human-readable format but you may still need to familiarize yourself with this format. Read this post for more information

If you think manually setting up ANEs in your projects is confusing or time-consuming, you better check the ANELAB Software.

The ANE-LAB Software

Tech Support

If you need our professional support to help you with implementing and using the ANE in your project, you can join MyFlashLabs Club or buy a premium support package. Otherwise, you may create new issues at this repository and the community might help you.

Air Usage

import com.myflashlab.air.extensions.badge.Badge;

// If you are using the FCM ANE to manage notifications, you don't need to call this method.
// because those ANEs have already registered your app for notification in iOS settings.

// to read the current badge number
trace("current badge is: " + Badge.value);

// to write a new badge value
Badge.value = 2;

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