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How to set up Scrapyd cluster on Heroku



Network topology

network topo

Create accounts

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  1. Heroku

Visit heroku.com to create a free account, with which you can create and run up to 5 apps.

heroku register

  1. Redis Labs (optional)

Visit redislabs.com to create a free account, which provides 30MB storage and can be used by scrapy-redis for distributed crawling.

redislabs register


Deploy Heroku apps in the browser

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  1. Visit my8100/scrapyd-cluster-on-heroku-scrapyd-app to deploy the Scrapyd app. (Don't forget to update the host, port and password of your Redis server in the form)
  2. Repeat step 1 to deploy up to 4 Scrapyd apps, assuming theri names are svr-1, svr-2, svr-3 and svr-4
  3. Visit my8100/scrapyd-cluster-on-heroku-scrapydweb-app-git to deploy the ScrapydWeb app named myscrapydweb
  4. (optional) Click the Reveal Config Vars button on dashboard.heroku.com/apps/myscrapydweb/settings to add more Scrapyd server accordingly, e.g. SCRAPYD_SERVER_2 as the KEY and svr-2.herokuapp.com:80#group2 as the VALUE.
  5. Visit myscrapydweb.herokuapp.com
  6. Jump to the Deploy and run distributed spiders section below and move on.

Custom deployment

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Install tools

  1. Git
  2. Heroku CLI
  3. Python client for Redis: Simply run the pip install redis command.

Download config files

Open a new terminal:

git clone https://github.com/my8100/scrapyd-cluster-on-heroku
cd scrapyd-cluster-on-heroku

Log in to Heroku

# Or run 'heroku login -i' to login with username/password
heroku login
# outputs:
# heroku: Press any key to open up the browser to login or q to exit:
# Opening browser to https://cli-auth.heroku.com/auth/browser/12345-abcde
# Logging in... done
# Logged in as username@gmail.com

Set up Scrapyd cluster

  1. New Git repo
cd scrapyd
git init
# explore and update the files if needed
git status
git add .
git commit -a -m "first commit"
git status
  1. Deploy Scrapyd app
heroku apps:create svr-1
heroku git:remote -a svr-1
git remote -v
git push heroku master
heroku logs --tail
# Press ctrl+c to stop logs outputting
# Visit https://svr-1.herokuapp.com
  1. Add environment variables

    • Timezone
    # python -c "import tzlocal; print(tzlocal.get_localzone())"
    heroku config:set TZ=US/Eastern
    # heroku config:get TZ
    • Redis account (optional, see settings.py in the scrapy_redis_demo_project.zip)
    heroku config:set REDIS_HOST=your-redis-host
    heroku config:set REDIS_PORT=your-redis-port
    heroku config:set REDIS_PASSWORD=your-redis-password
  2. Repeat step 2 and step 3 to get the rest Scrapyd apps ready: svr-2, svr-3 and svr-4

Set up ScrapydWeb app

  1. New Git repo
cd ..
cd scrapydweb
git init
# explore and update the files if needed
git status
git add .
git commit -a -m "first commit"
git status
  1. Deploy ScrapydWeb app
heroku apps:create myscrapydweb
heroku git:remote -a myscrapydweb
git remote -v
git push heroku master
  1. Add environment variables

    • Timezone
    heroku config:set TZ=US/Eastern
    • Scrapyd servers (see scrapydweb_settings_vN.py in the scrapydweb directory)
    heroku config:set SCRAPYD_SERVER_1=svr-1.herokuapp.com:80
    heroku config:set SCRAPYD_SERVER_2=svr-2.herokuapp.com:80#group1
    heroku config:set SCRAPYD_SERVER_3=svr-3.herokuapp.com:80#group1
    heroku config:set SCRAPYD_SERVER_4=svr-4.herokuapp.com:80#group2
  2. Visit myscrapydweb.herokuapp.com scrapydweb


Deploy and run distributed spiders

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  1. Simply upload the compressed file scrapy_redis_demo_project.zip which resides in the scrapyd-cluster-on-heroku directory
  2. Push seed URLs into mycrawler:start_urls to fire crawling and check out the scraped items
In [1]: import redis  # pip install redis

In [2]: r = redis.Redis(host='your-redis-host', port=your-redis-port, password='your-redis-password')

In [3]: r.delete('mycrawler_redis:requests', 'mycrawler_redis:dupefilter', 'mycrawler_redis:items')
Out[3]: 0

In [4]: r.lpush('mycrawler:start_urls', 'http://books.toscrape.com', 'http://quotes.toscrape.com')
Out[4]: 2

# wait for a minute
In [5]: r.lrange('mycrawler_redis:items', 0, 1)
[b'{"url": "http://quotes.toscrape.com/", "title": "Quotes to Scrape", "hostname": "d6cf94d5-324e-4def-a1ab-e7ee2aaca45a", "crawled": "2019-04-02 03:42:37", "spider": "mycrawler_redis"}',
 b'{"url": "http://books.toscrape.com/index.html", "title": "All products | Books to Scrape - Sandbox", "hostname": "d6cf94d5-324e-4def-a1ab-e7ee2aaca45a", "crawled": "2019-04-02 03:42:37", "spider": "mycrawler_redis"}']

scrapyd cluster on heroku


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