whats Apple SEP
AppleSEP -->Secure Enclave Processor It's a co-Processor and It's own OS, boot, ...etc
SEP cpu is a co-processor the arch is armv7. I donot know where is the RAM, ROM and bus.
the iOS kernel uses ipc_xxx and provide AppleKeyStore driver for client user.
it's iOS commandline tool, use IOKit to control SEP OS, for apple testing, firmware upgrade.
No sik,uik,rk command.
sks Module
this module provide ECDSA algorithms. sign, attesting ...etc Apple generate a class-shared ECDSA private key encryped
with AES gid as a CA. another root ca is generated by AES UID. apple's white paper says the SEP GID/UID is different
with kernel AES GID/UID. it's really like what apples says. the most chanlleging is to calculate the AES gid key,
which I think It's imposible.