

Android Historian - Material Design Demo

This app is designed to demonstrate the various components of the Material Design Components, in particular, showing how to implement Material design into your app, using these controls.

The UI is has specific considerations to demonstrate certain interactions of the components, so may have certain unusual interactions (and patterns).

The official Material site has great information specific to Android Development.

Current Build Status Is: Build Status

Modifiy gradle.properties to build locally

In order to use some the API functionality in code, you will need add your own API key to gradle.properties Fono API

Now you can download this app from the Play Store (You must join The Beta Distribution Channel )

Screen Flow Demo

Nov 4, 2019

Apr 6, 2019

Feb 2, 2019 "Modern Android" Update

Oct 16, 2018

July 18, 2018

May 24, 2018

Apr 10, 2016

Oct 22, 2015

Sept 15, 2015

Special Thanks

Item Decorator from Stacy Devino


Presentation Slides and Video

This project was originally created to support my presentation titled "Material Design Everywhere using the Android Support Libs".