

Skeleton Starter for Vaadin with Karibu-Testing

A simple "Hello, World" application in Vaadin and Java. A fork of the Skeleton Starter but with the Karibu-Testing Vaadin Unit-testing demoed.

To access it directly from github, clone the repository and import the project to the IDE of your choice as a Maven project. You need to have Java 8 or 11 installed.

Run using mvn jetty:run and open http://localhost:8080 in the browser.

If you want to run your app locally in the production mode, run mvn jetty:run -Pproduction.

Running Tests

Unit tests are implemented using Karibu-Testing. Since the tests take only a couple of seconds to run, they're simply always run during the Maven test phase. To run the tests, simply execute

mvn -C clean test

No license is needed and no browser is used, therefore the tests will also run in headless mode in your CI environment.