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React front-end for tclone

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Back-end repo here

<!-- ![Demo](./docs/tclone-demo2.gif) --> <img src="./docs/tclone-demo2.gif" alt="demo" />

This is my take on building a Twitter clone, I have tried to keep things simple and concise. With minimal modules, it is very lightweight and fast, yet very functional and feature-rich.

Things working ⚡



Do it 💥.


The current setup has a front-end deployed on Netlify connecting to the server via netlify redirects. It needs VAPID public keys corresponding to server keys for push notifications, and a server address to connect to. Below is what your environmental variables should be like.

REACT_APP_PUBLIC_VAPID_KEY=<corresponding public vapid key of vapid keys for push notifications>
REACT_APP_API_SERVER=<server url, like https://myserver.com for production>

Note: REACT_APP_API_SERVER key is not used in fetch calls, instead it is used in netlify redirects. On local, fetch calls are proxied via the proxy key in package.json. So if you plan to deploy it anywhere else, do the necessary changes accordingly.

Install deps: npm install. Development server: npm run start. Build: npm run build

For info on deploying the server and generating the VAPID keys, check out the tclone-api repo.


If you are still reading this, get a life dude!