

ProText: Prompt Learning with Text Only Supervision

Learning to Prompt with Text Only Supervision for Vision-Language Models <br> Muhammad Uzair Khattak, Muhammad Ferjad Naeem, Muzammal Naseer, Luc Van Gool, Federico Tombari

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Official PyTorch implementation

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<p align="justify"> <b> <span style="color: blue;">Left</span></b>: Existing methods improve CLIP's generalization by learning prompts with image supervision or using non-transferable prompt ensembling with LLM knowledge. In contrast, our approach, ProText, effectively learns prompts with LLM knowledge based text-only supervision which are transferable to new datasets and classes.. <b><span style="color: blue;">Right</span></b>: Without using any images for supervision, ProText with text-only training improves over CLIP, CuPL, and prior 16-shot image-supervised methods in challenging cross-dataset transfer settings. Prompt ensembling based CuPL performs same as CLIP as it cannot transfer class specific LLM templates to cross-datasets.

<p align="justify"> Abstract: Foundational vision-language models such as CLIP are becoming a new paradigm in vision, due to their excellent generalization abilities. However, adapting these models for downstream tasks while maintaining their generalization remains a challenge. In literature, one branch of methods adapts CLIP by learning prompts using visual information. While effective, most of these works require labeled data which is not practical, and often struggle to generalize towards new datasets due to over-fitting on the source data. An alternative approach resorts to training-free methods by generating class descriptions from large language models (LLMs) and perform prompt ensembling. However, these methods often generate class specific prompts that cannot be transferred to other classes, which incur higher costs by generating LLM descriptions for each class separately. In this work, we propose to combine the strengths of these both streams of methods by learning prompts using only text data derived from LLMs. As supervised training of prompts is not trivial due to absence of images, we develop a training approach that allows prompts to extract rich contextual knowledge from LLM data. Moreover, with LLM contextual data mapped within the learned prompts, it enables zero-shot transfer of prompts to new classes and datasets potentially cutting the LLM prompt engineering cost. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that learns generalized prompts using text only data. We perform extensive evaluations on 4 benchmarks where our method improves over prior ensembling works while being competitive to those utilizing labeled images. Our code and pre-trained models are publicly available. </p>

A Text Only Prompt Learning framework Vision-Language Models

We propose ProText: Prompt Learning with Text Only Supervision, which leverages text data to learn transferable prompts to enhance CLIP's generalization for visual recognition tasks.

Main contributions :

  1. Text Only Prompt Learning Approach: We develop a new approach for prompt learning in Vision-Language models without relying on visual samples for visual recognition tasks.
  2. Learning Prompts with Contextual Mapping: We introduce a training strategy for prompts to learn a mapping function that embeds rich and generalized contextual knowledge from Large Language Models (LLMs) based text data within the prompts.
  3. LLM Prompts Transferability: With LLM contextual data mapped within the learned prompts, it enables zero-shot transfer of prompts to new classes and datasets, potentially reducing the LLM prompt engineering and serving costs.

:ballot_box_with_check: Supported Methods

MethodPaperConfigsTraining Scripts
CuPL (Baseline)arXivlinklink
Independent V-L Prompting-linklink
MaPLeCVPR 2023linklink
CoOpIJCV 2022linklink
Co-CoOpCVPR 2022linklink
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ProText fares well in comparison with Prompt Ensembling methods

First we show that with same amount of text data, learning contextual prompts with text-only supervision improves CLIP performance against prompt ensembling techniques.

MethodImageNet Acc.
CLIP (ICML'21)66.72
DCLIP (ICLR'23)68.03
Waffle CLIP (ICCV'23)68.34
CuPL (ICCV'23)69.62
ProText (Ours)70.22

ProText addresses the transferability limitations of LLM based Prompt Ensembling methods

With the contextual LLM information mapped with in the prompts, ProText enables the transferability of learned prompts to new classes and improves over CuPL.

MethodBase Acc.Novel Acc.HM
ProText (ours)72.9576.9874.91

Results reported above show accuracy for base and novel classes for across 11 recognition datasets.

ProText performs favourably well in Cross-dataset benchmark

ProText with text-only training improves over CLIP, CuPL, and prior 16-shot image-supervised methods in challenging cross-dataset transfer settings. Prompt ensembling based CuPL performs same as CLIP as it cannot transfer class specific LLM templates to cross-datasets.

MethodSupervision TypeAvg Acc.
CoOPlabeled images63.88
CoCoOplabeled images65.74
MaPLelabeled images66.30
PromptSRClabeled images65.81
CLIP / CuPLText Prompts65.15
ProText (ours)Text Prompts67.23

Models are trained on ImageNet-1k data and evaluated on 10 cross-datasets.


For installation and other package requirements, please follow the instructions detailed in INSTALL.md.

Data Preparation

Please follow the instructions at DATASETS.md to prepare all datasets.

Model Zoo

Vision-Language prompting methods

Method (configs)Model checkpoints
CuPLDirect evaluation

Quick Start

ProText can be easily trained on text-data with simple scripts. For example, to train ProText on ImageNet-1k text data, you can run the following command:

sh scripts/protext/fully_supervised.sh imagenet output/experiment/path

Please refer to the TRAIN.md for detailed instructions on training ProText and producing results for CuPL baseline.

For evaluation using pretrained weights, you can run the following command:

sh scripts/protext/fully_supervised_and_dg.sh imagenet path/to/pretrained/weights

Please refer to the EVAL.md for detailed instructions on using the evaluation scripts and reproducing the official results using our pre-trained models.

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If you find our work, this repository, or pretrained models useful, please consider citing:

    title={Learning to Prompt with Text Only Supervision for Vision-Language Models},
    author={khattak, Muhammad Uzair and Ferjad, Muhammad and Muzzamal, Naseer and Gool, Luc Van and Tombari, Federico},


If you have any questions, please create an issue on this repository or contact at uzair.khattak@mbzuai.ac.ae.


Our code is based on PromptSRC. We have additionally borrowed partial code from CuPL repository. We thank the authors for releasing their code. If you use our model and code, please consider citing these works as well.