

<h1> <a href="https://media-chrome.org" target="_blank"> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="docs/public/media-chrome-logo-dark.svg"> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="docs/public/media-chrome-logo-light.svg"> <img alt="Media Chrome Logo" src="docs/public/media-chrome-logo-light.svg"> </picture> </a> </h1>

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Your media player's dancing suit. :man_dancing:

Fully customizable media player controls using web components (native custom elements).

From Mux and the creator of Video.js.


Visit the official documentation for Media Chrome for the latest up-to-date usage instructions.

You can find the documentation for v0.x of media-chrome here.


<a href="https://media-chrome.mux.dev/examples/vanilla/" target="_blank">See all of the repo examples in action.</a>

Video Example

<script type="module" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/media-chrome@4/+esm"></script>


Results (<a href="https://codepen.io/heff/pen/ZEGdBzN?editors=1000" target="_blank">Try the CodePen example</a>)

<a href="https://codepen.io/heff/pen/ZEGdBzN?editors=1000" target="_blank"> <img width="890" alt="Media Chrome Video Player Demo" src="./docs/public/assets/media-chrome-video-player.jpeg"> </a>

Audio Example

<script type="module" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/media-chrome@4/+esm"></script>

<media-controller audio>
    <media-time-display showduration></media-time-display>

Results (<a href="https://codepen.io/heff/pen/wvdyNWd?editors=1000" target="_blank">Try the CodePen example</a>)

<a href="https://codepen.io/heff/pen/wvdyNWd?editors=1000" target="_blank"> <img width="410" alt="Media Chrome Audio Player Demo" src="./docs/public/assets/media-chrome-audio-player.png"> </a>

Use with React

While you technically can use Media Chrome elements directly with React, it can sometimes be a bit clunky to work with Web Components in React, and some things just don't feel idiomatic to the framework (for example: having to use class= instead of className=, see React's official docs regarding web components for more details). To help with this, we've published some React wrapper components for all of our core Elements. You can read up on using them here.


More often than not web designers and developers just use the default media player controls, even when creating a beautiful custom design theme. It's hard not to.

It should be easier... <media-chrome> is an attempt at solving that.

Why now?

Web components. @heff spoke about the potential of web components for video at Demuxed 2015, and again in 2020. They allow us to extend the browser's base HTML functionality, meaning we can now build media player controls as simple HTML tags that:

Core Concepts