


2022 Hit Refresh! Praxis now loves ❤️ Jetpack Compose

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This is a sample app written in Kotlin following clean architecture principles which uses slack app features as an example.

The purpose of this app to showcase:


  1. Android Studio : Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 3.1 or higher
  2. Android Emulator or Physical android device

Built With 🏗

🤖 KotlinKotlin
🏛 Architecture ComponentsAndroid Architecture Components
⛓ Data BindingAndroid Data Binding
💉 Dagger HiltDagger Hilt
🌐 RetrofitRetrofit
🚦 OkHttpOkHttp
📄 Gson ParsingGson
🌊 CoroutinesKotlin Coroutines
🏄🏼‍♀️ FlowsFlows


Praxis follows the principles of Clean Architecture with Android Architecture Components.

Architecture's layers & boundaries:

<img src="art/architecture.jpeg" />

Presentation Layer contains UI (Activities & Fragments) that are coordinated by ViewModels which execute 1 or multiple UseCases. Presentation Layer depends on Domain Layer.

Domain Layer is the most INNER part of the circle (no dependencies with other layers) and it contains Entities, Use cases & Repository Interfaces. Use cases combine data from 1 or multiple Repository Interfaces.

Data Layer contains Repository Implementations and 1 or multiple Data Sources. Repositories are responsible to coordinate data from the different Data Sources. Data Layer depends on Domain Layer.

Notes: Mapping between response models and transformed models will happen via extension functions defined in transformed model file


Files are suffixed with be defined Class types.


This project can be used as a template for new apps. This project is continually evolving to integrate other libraries and techniques to keep it up to date.