

<img src="https://nshackblog.files.wordpress.com/2020/03/hostbase.png" height="154px" width="200px" /><br /> A Sitecore Host example solution which can be used as a starting point for Sitecore Host applications. Currently runs in the IdentityServer Host as a plugin, but will be updated when standalone Sitecore Host applications become readily available.

Setup Instructions

  1. Install Sitecore Experience Platform 9.3 Initial Release
  2. Copy your Sitecore license to YOUR_WEB_ROOT\PREFIX.identityserver.dev.local\sitecoreruntime
  3. Clone project and build
  4. Project will compile to YOUR_CLONE_LOCATION\Hostbase.Plugin\bin\Debug\Hostbase.Plugin.1.0.0.nupkg
  5. Unpack Hostbase.Plugin.1.0.0.nupkg and copy following files to the YOUR_WEB_ROOT\PREFIX.identityserver.dev.local folder from step 1
    • copy lib\netstandard2.0\Hostbase.Plugin.dll to YOUR_WEB_ROOT\PREFIX.identityserver.dev.local\sitecoreruntime\production
    • copy content\sitecore\Hostbase.Plugin\config\settings.xml to YOUR_WEB_ROOT\PREFIX.identityserver.dev.local\sitecoreruntime\production\sitecore\Hostbase.Plugin\config
    • copy sitecore\Sitecore.Plugin.manifest to YOUR_WEB_ROOT\PREFIX.identityserver.dev.local\sitecoreruntime\production\sitecore\Hostbase.Plugin

Using Host Base:

Visit https://MY_SC_INSTANCE.identityserver.dev.local/Account/Login

When you open the identity server logs you should see two messages:

The SettingOne value is: 1
Plugin is running, name is: Hostbase.Plugin
Application name is: Sitecore.IdentityServer.Host

The app simply reads settings from settings.xml and outputs the value. It also outputs the Plugin name and Host application name.

You can see these values being logged in ConfigureSitecore.cs. Host Base will be expanded but this basic example is enough to get you up and running.