


Easily integrate Facebook authentication into any Play application.


http://play-lists-fbconnect.appspot.com/ is an instance of Guillaume's lists-with-gae demo, modified to utilize this module for Facebook based authentication. The source code of the modified demo can be found in the samples-and-tests folder.


Before you can use Facebook authentication, you have to register your application with Facebook. Be sure to note your Application ID, API Key, and Application Secret.


Install the module

Install the fbconnect module from the modules repository:

play install fbconnect

Enable the module

After installing the module, add the following to your application.conf to enable it:


Configure the module

And finally, you need to configure the module by setting these properties in your application.conf:

# Facebook Connect
# ~~~~~

All of the properties are required except for fbconnect.landUrl, which will default to / (Note: fbconnect.landUrl can be a URL like /home or a controller action like Application.index).


Use the fbconnect.button tag in your view

The fbconnect.button tag outputs a link that will prompt your users to authenticate with Facebook when it is clicked.

#{fbconnect.button label:'Login using your facebook account.' /}

The tag takes three optional parameters.

Define your OAuth callback

Your fbconnect.model class needs to implement a static method called facebookOAuthCallback. After a user has authenticated using Facebook, the module will call this method with a JsonObject that contains data about the user. This is your opportunity to add the user to your database, add the user to your session, or do anything else you want to do with the authentic data Facebook provides. See this table for all the properties that Facebook makes available on the JsonObject.

public static void facebookOAuthCallback(JsonObject data){
    String email = data.get("email").getAsString();
    User user = findByEmail(email);
    if(user == null){
        user = new User();
        user.email = email;
    Session.current().put("user", user.email);

Add some style

You are welcome to style the button however you like, but the fbconnect module provides some default styles that you can use to get a decent looking Facebook Connect button.





These styles are in a file called play-fbconnect.min.css and they can be found in the module's lib directory. I should note that the styles will not work if you specify a custom cssClass when using the fbconnect.button tag. The button graphics are courtesy of Rogie.