

vset -- simple tool for setting up consistent projects for V

Design Requirements

- extendable and consistent
- high stage build/compile/run performance
- consistent stage build/compile/run logging
- automate stage build/compile/run documentation

useful build commands

- make

    - build **working**
        * makes a consistent directory layout, stores a copy/backup src in bin/backup/
        * deletes original .git repo and initializes a new one

    - compile **modify!**
        * compiles v files in src/main

- backup **working**
    * backs up src/ and data/ and docs/ to bin/

- git-init **in-progress**
    * sets up .git directory inside of project and removes old one.

    - git-pull **working**
        * pulls v files from master branch

    - git-push **working**
        * pushes v files in src/main

    - clean **working**
        * cleans temporary files from bin/ and log/

    - kill **working**
        * resets the project back to its basic form

- create-doc **working**
    * creates template for .md files and stores it inside doc/todo/

- save-doc **working**
    * saves a backup of doc/todo/ files inside of log/temp/doc and doc/
- create-template **working**
    * creates template for .v files and stores it inside src/
- clean-template **working**
    * delete the template after you have renamed and modified the temp.v file

- data-clean **working**
    * deletes all data stored in the directory.
 - vb-mc **in-progress**
    * a batch move and compile command. still needs some modifications

automated project structure

- bin/
    - /backups/ temporary storage for a src and data backups
    - /temp/ temporary files are stored here (including backups of past documentation)
    - /exec/ copies of executable binary files
    - /sh/ copies only safe and batch from vsh/shell/
- doc/
    - stores .md & .txt generated modules and tests
- data/
- /csv/
- /json/
- /xml/
- log/
    - /temp/ temporary storage for logging output from building, running, and cleaning
    - /temp/doc temporary storage for documents that are being saved and modified.
- src/
    - modules and tests and code and executables are developed here.
- vsh/
 - shell/
	- vbatch/ shell scripts that enable batch moving and compiling of the src/ directory. 
	- vdang/ **CAREFUL** shell scripts that clean, destroy, or create a new project.
	- vgit/  shell scripts that can automate your interaction with github
	- vmake/ shell scripts that can make file templates for .md and .v
	- vsafe/ shell scripts that backup, compile, log, and run
- Makefile