


Simple web app template with Angular + NestJS + ng-openapi-gen + Angular Material.

Deployable on Heroku, Render, Google App Engine (GAE), Cloud Run and other hosting services using with/without Docker (learn more).


Key Elements

There is some variations... https://github.com/mugifly/angular-nest/wiki#variations

Quick Start for Development


StackBlitz lets you quickly run and edit your source code in your browser.

Open in StackBlitz


Before you start, you should install the following softwares:

Next, please Create a new repository from this repository.

Then, execute as the following in your terminal:

$ git clone git@github.com:YOUR_GITHUB_NAME/angular-nest.git
$ cd angular-nest/

$ npm install

$ npm run start:dev

Finally, open the web browser and navigate to http://localhost:4200/. Also, when you edit the frontend source-code, auto-reloading applies your changes to the browser immediately.

An API documentation is generated by Swagger UI, and you can access it at http://localhost:4200/api/docs.

See the Wiki for additional information. You'll find tips for implementing database connectivity, guides for future updates, and more.

Quick Start for Deployment

This app supports direct deployment to various hosting services as a production environment.

It's also very easy to automatic-deployment, because you don't have to run the build process locally or in CI.

Deployment on Heroku


This app can be deployed either to the Heroku stack (Node.js buildpack based) or the Container stack (Docker based).

Please see Deploy to Heroku page for more informations.

Deployment on Render

Deploy to Render

This app can be deployed either as a Node.js application or Docker based application.

Please see Deploy to Render page for more informations.

Deployment on other servers (with/without Docker)


CLI Commands


Angular CLI & Nest CLI


Install npm modules

License and Author

This project is released under the CC0 1.0 Universal license, by Masanori Ohgita (mugifly).

Therefore, a copyright notice is NOT required. Feel free to use or copy it to your project :)

NOTE: However, some sample codes and documents (e.g. client/README.md and server/README.md) that generated by Angular CLI or Nest CLI may be based on their respective licenses.