

CSSD - Cubic smoothing splines for discontinuous signals

This is a reference implementation in Matlab for the algorithms described in the paper

M. Storath, A. Weinmann, "Smoothing splines for discontinuous signals", Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2023, [Preprint]

Overview of main functionalities

  1. cssd.m computes a cubic smoothing spline with discontinuities (CSSD) for data (x,y). It is a solution of the following model of a smoothing spline $f$ with a-priori unknown discontinuities $J$

$$\min_{f, J} p \sum_{i=1}^N \left(\frac{y_i - f(x_i)}{\delta_i}\right)^2 + (1-p) \int_{[x_1, x_N] \setminus J} (f''(t))^2 dt + \gamma |J|.$$


  1. cssd_cv.m automatically determines values for the model parameters $p$ and $\gamma$ based on K-fold cross validation.


  1. Execute "install_cssd.m" which adds the folder and all subfolders to the Matlab path.
  2. Execute any m-file from the demos folder


Synthetic data

<figure> <img src="images/Ex_Synthetic.png" alt="Synthetic signal" width="600"/> <figcaption>A synthetic signal is sampled at $N = 100$ random data sites $x_i$ and corrupted by zero mean Gaussian noise with standard deviation $0.1.$ The results of the discussed model are shown for $p=0.999$ and different parameters of $\gamma,$ where $\gamma=\infty$ corresponds to classical smoothing splines. The thick lines represent the results of the shown sample realization. The shaded areas depict the $2.5 \%$ to $97.5 \%$ (pointwise) quantiles of $1000$ realizations. The histograms under the plots show the frequency of the detected discontinuity locations over all realizations. </figcaption> </figure>

Stock data

<figure> <img src="images/Ex_Stock_CV.png" alt="Stock" width="600"/> <figcaption>The dots represent the logarithm of the closing prices of the Meta stock from May 18, 2012, to May 19, 2022. The curve represents the CSSD with parameters determined by K-fold CV ($p = 0.4702$, $\gamma = 0.0069$). The dashed vertical lines indicate the discontinuities of the CSSD, and the ticks correspond to the date before the discontinuity. </figcaption> </figure>

Geyser data

<figure> <img src="images/Ex_Geyser_CV.png" alt="Geyser" width="600"/> <figcaption>Fitting a CSSD to the Old Faithful data (circles): If the parameter is selected based on K-fold CV we obtain a result without discontinuities which coincides with a classical smoothing spline (solid curve). Keeping the selected $p$-parameter and lowering the $\gamma$ parameter sufficiently gives a two-phase regression curve (dashed curves) with a breakpoint near $x = 3$ (dashed vertical line), and the two curve segments are nearly linear. Both of the above parameter sets yield better CV-scores than a linear model (dotted line). </figcaption> </figure>


M. Storath, A. Weinmann, "Smoothing splines for discontinuous signals", Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2023

See also