Media Keys and Apple Remote Support for
This is a restartless Firefox extension that lets you control playback on using the media keys on Apple keyboards and using the Apple Remote. It can be installed by dragging the file mediakeysappleremotesimfy.xpi
into Firefox.
It's compatible with Firefox 13 or higher on Mac OS X.
Exclusive access to the media keys and to the Apple Remote is held while at least one simfy tab is open. Close all simfy tabs in order to be able to control iTunes (or anything else) again.
Building the extension
This extension is built using the Add-on SDK, so if you want to make changes to it, you'll need to install that first.
git clone
git clone
cd addon-sdk/
git checkout release
. bin/activate
cd ../mediakeysappleremotesimfy/
cfx run # to test
cfx xpi # to rebuild mediakeysappleremotesimfy.xpi
The hard work of interfacing with the OS X APIs for the Apple Remote and the media keys is done through js-ctypes with the libraries data/libAppleRemoteThreadedCWrapper.dylib
and data/libOSXMediaKeysThreadedCWrapper.dylib
which are distributed with the add-on in binary form. Their source code is in the src
folder; I've basically built C wrappers around the existing github projects apple_remote_control and SPMediaKeyTap. If you make changes to those files you can recompile the libraries by executing the