Papelito is a simple WYSIWYG editor for leptos.
The library is in its early stages, "it works" but its modularity is far from what I would consider ideal, so expect breaking changes on future updates.
papelito = {git = ""}
use leptos::*;
use papelito::*;
fn HomePage(cx: Scope) -> impl IntoView {
let editor_content = create_rw_signal(cx, String::new());
let classes = PapelitoClasses {
actionbar: "rte-actionbar".to_string(),
button: "rte-button".to_string(),
content: "rte-content".to_string(),
selected: "rte-button-selected".to_string(),
editor: "rte-editor".to_string(),
// Use the ActionsBuilder struct to build the action bar (it is a optional parameter)
// let actions = ActionsBuilder::new().with_bold().with_heading1().build();
let actions = ActionsBuilder::new().with_default_actions().build();
view! {cx,
<Papelito actions=actions content_signal=editor_content classes=classes key="my_unique_key".to_string()/>