

Allegro 4.2.2 example for MS-DOS

This is a short example, designed to be used with allegro-4.2.2-xc. It's for people who want to develop DOS games on a modern operating system, through the use of andrewwutw's DJGPP build.


Ensure that you've checked out a copy of allegro-4.2.2-xc in the vendor directory. Compile it as specified in the readme. There should be a lib/djgpp/liballeg.a file.

If all is set up correctly, you should be able to just compile this example by running make. This will make a main.exe file in the dist directory.

This example can be tested in DOSBox.

<p align="center"> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/he4IihL.png" alt="Example in DOSBox" /> </p>

If you're experiencing problems or getting compile errors, feel free to raise an issue so we can figure out the problem and perfect the setup process.


Copyright © 2016, Michiel Sikma michiel@sikma.org

MIT License