


Build Status

A modular background service that makes Windows remotely controllable through MQTT. For home automation and Internet of Things.

:warning: Deprecation Notice :warning:

WinThing is no longer actively maintained. As an alternative, please consider IOT Link, which is actively maintained and has a lot more features, including most of WinThing's features.


Java 8 or greater.


Download either JAR or EXE file from Releases page and execute it:

java -jar target/winthing-1.4.2.jar


Configuration parameters can be passed from command line or they can be placed in configuration files in the working directory from where you launch WinThing.

<table> <tr><th>Property</th><th>Description</th><th>Default</th> <tr><td>broker</td><td>URL of the MQTT broker to use</td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>username</td><td>Username used when connecting to MQTT broker</td><td>mqtt</td></tr> <tr><td>password</td><td>Password used when connecting to MQTT broker</td><td>mqtt</td></tr> <tr><td>clientid</td><td>Client ID to present to the broker</td><td>WinThing</td></tr> <tr><td>prefix</td><td>Prefix for all MQTT topics used by this WinThing instance</td><td>winthing</td></tr> <tr><td>reconnect</td><td>Time interval between connection attempts in seconds</td><td>5</td></tr> </table>

Command line parameters

Example how to pass parameters from command line:

java -Dbroker="" -jar winthing-1.2.0.jar


WinThing will look for this file in the current working directory (directory from where you launched WinThing). Create this file and put desired parameters into it.

Example file:

broker = ""
username = "mqtt"
password = "somesecret"


By default WinThing executes any command it receives in the system/commands/run topic. Create this file in the current working directory to whitelist only specific commands. The file contains an unique string identifier (used as payload in the MQTT message, see below) and path to executable.

Example file:

notepad = "c:/windows/system32/notepad.exe"
adobe = "c:\\program files\\adobe\\reader.exe"

Note you can use slash ' / ' or double backslash ' \\ ' as path separator.


You can open application log by clicking on the tray icon. To log into winthing.log file in the current working directory run WinThing with the -debug parameter.

winthing.exe -debug

Supported messages

The payload of all messages is either empty or a valid JSON element (possibly a primitive, like a single integer). This means, specifically, that if an argument is supposed to be a single string, it should be sent in double quotes.

Example valid message payloads:

Broadcast status


Topic: winthing/system/online<br> Payload: state:boolean<br> QoS: 2<br> Persistent: yes<br>

True when WinThing is running, false otherwise. WinThing registers a "last will" message with the broker to notify clients when WinThing disconnects.



Topic: winthing/system/commands/shutdown<br> Payload: -

Trigger immediate system shutdown.

Topic: winthing/system/commands/reboot<br> Payload: -

Trigger immediate system reboot.

Topic: winthing/system/commands/suspend<br> Payload: -

Trigger immediate system suspend.

Topic: winthing/system/commands/hibernate<br> Payload: -

Trigger immediate system hibernate.

Topic: winthing/system/commands/run<br> Payload: [command:string, arguments:string, workingDirectory:string]

Run a command. Arguments and working directory are optional (empty string and null by default).<br> If whitelist is enabled, only the command as unique identifier is required. The identifier is checked against the whitelist file (see whitelist.ini above).

Topic: winthing/system/commands/open<br> Payload: uri:string

Opens an URI, like a website in a browser or a disk location in a file browser.


Topic: winthing/desktop/commands/close_active_window<br> Payload: -

Closes currently active window.

Topic: winthing/desktop/commands/set_display_sleep<br> Payload: displaySleep:boolean

Puts the display to sleep (on true) or wakes it up (on false).


Topic: winthing/keyboard/commands/press_keys<br> Payload: [key:string...]

Simulates pressing of given set of keyboard keys. Keys are specified by name. List of available key names and aliases can be found here.

ATI Radeon display driver

Topic: winthing/radeon/commands/set_best_resolution<br> Payload: -

Sets the screen to the best available resolution.

Topic: winthing/radeon/commands/set_resolution<br> Payload: [widthInPixels:integer, heightInPixels:integer]

Sets the screen to the given resolution.


Maven is required to build the application. For convenience the Maven build file contains execution to produce a Windows executable.

mvn clean package

To run static analysis tools, use these commands:

mvn checkstyle:check
mvn pmd:check
mvn spotbugs:check


Copyright 2015-2020 Mikołaj Siedlarek <mikolaj@siedlarek.pl>

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.