

MessagePack Erlang

hex.pm version

Prerequisites for runtime

Erlang/OTP, >= 22.0 Also based on the new msgpack spec 0b8f5a.

edit rebar.config to use in your application

{deps, [
  {msgpack, ".*",
    {git, "git://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-erlang.git", {branch, "master"}}}

Or as it is now published at hex.pm, just

{deps, [msgpack]}.

might work.

Simple deserialization

Ham = msgpack:pack(Spam),
{ok, Spam} = msgpack:unpack(Ham).

Stream deserialization

{Term0, Rest0} = msgpack:unpack_stream(Binary),
{Term1, Rest1} = msgpack:unpack_stream(Rest0),

Options, for packing and unpacking

{spec, new|old}

Both for packing and unpacking. Default is new. Major difference between old and new spec is:

The default is new spec. Old spec mode does not handle these new types but returns error. To use old spec mode, this option is explicitly added.

OldHam = msgpack:pack(Spam, [{spec, old}]),
{ok, Spam} = msgpack:unpack(OldHam, [{spec, old}]).

{allow_atom, none|pack}

Only in packing. Atoms are packed as binaries. Default value is pack. Otherwise, any term including atoms throws badarg.

{known_atoms, [atom()]}

Both in packing and unpacking. In packing, if an atom is in this list a binary is encoded as a binary. In unpacking, msgpacked binaries are decoded as atoms with erlang:binary_to_existing_atom/2 with encoding utf8. Default value is an empty list.

Even if allow_atom is none, known atoms are packed.

{unpack_str, as_binary|as_list}

A switch to choose decoded term style of str type when unpacking. Only available at new spec. Default is as_list.

mode        as_binary    as_list
bin         binary()     binary()
str         binary()     string()

{use_nil, boolean()}

Handles Elixir nil as null Erlang atom. Default value is false.

{validate_string, boolean()}

Only in unpacking, UTF-8 validation at unpacking from str type will be enabled. Default value is false.

{pack_str, from_binary|from_list|none}

A switch to choose packing of string() when packing. Only available at new spec. Default is from_list for symmetry with unpack_str option.

mode        from_list    from_binary    none
binary()    bin          str*/bin       bin
string()    str*/array   array of int   array of int
list()      array        array          array

But the default option pays the cost of performance for symmetry. If the overhead of UTF-8 validation is unacceptable, choosing none as the option would be the best.

{map_format, map|jiffy|jsx}

Both at packing and unpacking. Default value is map.

msgpack:pack(#{ <<"key">> => <<"value">> }, []).
msgpack:pack(#{ <<"key">> => <<"value">> }, [{map_format, map}]).
msgpack:pack({[{<<"key">>, <<"value">>}]}, [{map_format, jiffy}]),
msgpack:pack([{<<"key">>, <<"value">>}], [{map_format, jsx}]).

{ext, {msgpack_ext_packer(), msgpack_ext_unpacker()}|module()}

At both. The default behaviour in case of facing ext data at decoding is to ignore them as its length is known.

Now msgpack-erlang supports ext type. Now you can serialize everything with your original (de)serializer. That will enable us to handle erlang- native types like pid(), ref() contained in tuple(). See test/msgpack_ext_example_tests.erl for example code.

Packer = fun({ref, Ref}, Opt) when is_reference(Ref) -> {ok, {12, term_to_binary(Ref)}} end,
Unpacker = fun(12, Bin) -> {ok, {ref, binary_to_term(Bin)}} end,
Ref = make_ref(),
Opt = [{ext,{Packer,Unpacker}}],
{ok, {ref, Ref}} = msgpack:unpack(msgpack:pack({ref, Ref}, Opt), Opt).


Float type

The Float type of Message Pack represents IEEE 754 floating point number, so it includes Nan and Infinity. In unpacking, msgpack-erlang returns nan, positive_infinity and negative_infinity.


Apache License 2.0

Release Notes





0.3.5 / 0.3.4





0.2 series works with OTP 17.0, R16, R15, and with MessagePack's new and old format. But does not support map type introduced in OTP 17.0.

It also supports JSX-compatible mode.