How to set up the Nix package manager with flake support
These steps help you set up the Nix package manager with support for a experimental more user-friendly command language and a defined package format called flakes that makes it easier to create builds in a strictly determined environment, so that they create the same outputs on various machines or in CI.
Step 1: Install the Nix package manager
To install Nix, please follow the instructions at, since they are quite good.
If you want to know more before installing you can read the install section in the Nix manual directly.
You might have to re-open your terminals, restart your graphical session or even reboot after this step.
Step 2: Enable the right experimental features
Recent releases of Nix already ship with the required code for flakes, but leave them behind a feature flag that you have to enable.
To enable them, you have to add the following lines to /etc/nix/nix.conf
experimental-features = nix-command flakes
and on a multi-user install (invoked with --daemon) restart the nix daemon so it can pick up the newly set experimental options.
systemctl restart nix-daemon.service
Step 3: Verify Nix Install
The following command should now give similar output.
$ nix flake --help
Usage: nix flake COMMAND FLAGS... ARGS...
Common flags:
Available commands:
archive copy a flake and all its inputs to a store
check check whether the flake evaluates and run its tests
clone clone flake repository
info list info about a given flake
init create a flake in the current directory from a template
list-inputs list flake inputs
new create a flake in the specified directory from a template
show show the outputs provided by a flake
update update flake lock file
Note: this program is EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change.