


If you develop new features for a shop, the best test data are those from the production system. Directly using production databases for creating development or staging instances can cause legal and organisational problems.

This plugins runs all necessary steps, to transform a production db to a staging or testing db.



The plugin can be executed by running the following command:

bin/console prod2testing:run

Anonymization Configuration

The plugin replaces all non empty values from the db, depending on the provided configuration. The anonymization configuration is defined in the file config.json. You have two ways, to change the configuration:


bin/console prod2testing:run --config /path/to/your/custom-config.json

This replaces the anonymization configuration completely.


bin/console prod2testing:run --additionalConfig /path/to/your/extension-config.json

This extends or overrides specific entries in the original config.

You can also declare multiple --additionalConfig options and combine it with the --config option.

bin/console prod2testing:run --additionalConfig /path1.json --additionalConfig /path2.json --config /base-config.json

Remove Secure Flag

You can remove the secure flag from the shops, if your local installation does not have tls installed. Just use the --remove-secure-flag option, and the script will uncheck the secure flag for you.

No Remove Secret

By default, the script will try to remove secret information like passwords from the db. If you don't want it to do that, just use the --no-remove-secret option.