<img src="" alt="who-unfollowed-me"> <div align="center"> <h1>😠 who-unfollowed-me<br> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> </h1> </div>A CLI that let's you know who recently unfollowed you on GitHub.
Install the CLI globally. If you are Windows user, run your Command Prompt or Terminal as Administrator. If you are macOS user, add sudo
before the following command.
npm i -g who-unfollowed-me
<img src="" alt="installation">
You need to run the following command in your terminal.
When you run the CLI for the first time, it will ask you to enter your GitHub username.
<img src="" alt="first run">After that, whenever you run the CLI again, it will show you if anyone has recently unfollowed you or not.
<img src="" alt="unfollow">If no one has unfollowed you, the CLI will also let you know this.
<img src="" alt="no one unfollowed">If you are a Windows user, make sure that whenever you run the CLI, first run your Terminal or Command Prompt as Administrator.
Howdy, you! This is Saad Irfan, an aspiring JavaScript developer, former Google Developer Student Club's Lead, Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador, and an undergrad student. You can read more about me here.
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