<div align="center"> <h1>‼️ cross-paths</h1> <img src="" alt="version"> <img src="" alt="license"> <img src="" alt="downloads"> </div> <p align="center"> <b>A simple path conversion package to convert your paths across different platform</b> </p>- Simple: extremely simple to use
- Darwin to Win32: Convert your darwin based operating system paths to Windows operating system
- Win32 to Darwin: Convert your Windows paths to darwin based operating system
- MIT Licensed: Free to use for personal and commercial projects
# install the package
npm install cross-paths
<img src="./assets/api.png" width="10%" />
- darwinToWin32()
- win32ToDarwin()
- path (required)
- Convert darwin paths to win32
const { darwinToWin32 } = require('cross-paths');
const path = `/Users/saadirfan/GitHub`
const win32Path = darwinToWin32(path); // new windows path
- Convert win32 to darwin paths
const { win32ToDarwin } = require('cross-paths');
const path = `C:\\Users\\Saad\\GitHub`;
const darwinPath = win32ToDarwin(path); // new darwin path
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🔑 License & Conduct
- MIT © Saad Irfan
- Code of Conduct